Last seen: Dec 17, 2022
this site needs its sex section again, i remember those old days. sigh oohh and the pix section too!!
how about u just go with us next time and see for yourself! i do have plenty of private dances she has gotten on my cell phone camera.
lol....we have had PLENTY of fun like that...she's bi so im very very very happy with her. we also spend a lot to of time at strip clubs. :boobs
i guess im gonna have to cut down on the boob squeezing then.
i see i see........i was thinking of doing that too, the entire upper body in a single day without going too hard on a single muscle, just plenty of r...
yeah ive been thinking of having her work out her legs with me and then again by herself cause i only work legs once a week. so is she suppose to be l...
wow..thanks. so how long can someone be on this stack and where can i get the proper dosages?
so u need Caffeine in a fat burner??? i dont like to be all hopped up on caffeine or sugar. why do u need to use caffeine and aspirin with ephedra?? w...
it seems its been discontinued......????
is the recommended usage the avg......2-3 g's per day?????also, how long does this take to get into your system? one month/two?
im 25yrs old, but on my last cycle my sex drive was killed...kind of like deca dick, but it was probably from eq. anywasys, i just wanted to know sinc...
damm....its out already??? i dont want to take if for another full month for it to kick in. i only have about 20days worth of trib right now, its not ...