Last seen: Feb 6, 2024
Personally I've used the British Dragon testabol enanthate, and sustabol 350 in the past. Currently I'm running British Dragon Testabol Propionate and...
Sorry about the leg challenge thread I must not of linked it right............It's this:Thigh Training byJason LomondOriginally posted at Heavyweights...
Ok, thanks George.........I need to re-assess all of this.............all this info has become confusing for me, I'll re-read some things and work up ...
Posted by: @George so how is this high volume ? because when i say bench press it is like 5 sets of warmup plus about 8 - 10 actual sets of heavy w...
Leg Challenge ThreadThis is the leg challenge I will be doing...............What do you think???????????
George,This is what I have been planning on doing during the leg challenge.............which starts next week.........a:Mon= HST, Tues = Leg Challenge...
Posted by: @George sorry for assuming that you dont train hard enough now.but in my opinion increasing the volume of exercise is the FIRST thing you...
Posted by: @butterfly Since many nutrients are lost in the cooking process... I'd say the more raw veggies the better Great I love raw veggies ...
Posted by: @valerie I have very successfully added in a very small amount of starchy carbs in my diet on days I lift. These amounts are small, such...
Posted by: @butterfly Last year from about Aug to Nov I was on a 50%P / 30%F / 20%C diet, wo = 3-4x per week and NO CARDIO!!! and lost 4 inches on m...
1 more question, sorry, how important is it, whether my vegs are cooked or not, I would rather eat most raw, which I would think would be better??????...
Thanks again, Sherrie and Tkarrde.....yes, I love broccoli(I can't spell it but I love it)LOL, so basically anything green is mostly fiber, well I hea...
Thanks Sherrie and Tkarrde......I only have 2c. of romaine @lunch, and the only other green thing I have is green beans, and I have 2c. when I do, don...
Also, Par Deus said I shouldn't count my "green" carbs, If I'm in ketosis, wouldn't it throw me out by not counting these, not so much the caloric int...
Firstly, I bet you have some core strength/imbalance issues. I see this alot in women with histories of C-sections and/or abdominal-entry surgeries. A...