Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
Why don't you just do normal (running) sprints, they're done in no time.
Posted by: @meathead1987 More if I can get Lyn off her ass to come for a walk around the countryside with me. Are you going for you're "green wi...
Posted by: @meathead1987 Then rowed 5000m, took 21.30 mins. Rubbish. I'm joining the University boat club next year, for a little bit of cardio ...
Jolly good, I haven't gone up to 1200 anyway, it didn't seem to show a huge difference over 600. I'll try taking the 600 after workout and not taking ...
Posted by: @Sweft I think Sweft is a troll. And I think you're... meaningless. Do I care about you? Nope. Why the fuck do you care about me?I wa...
I think Sweft is a troll.NW about the BO. I'm enjoying fucking around with the stims just now, it'll be a bit before I want to play with a new toy. 2 ...
Yeah, I don't know what happened to my strength a few months back, it just dropped all of a sudden and didn't move. Some of this, I think, was due to ...
Posted by: @meathead1987 I should have said people I dont like get a riduculous markup. The price you got was pretty damn good for clen spiked lipo...
Posted by: @meathead1987 And Yes I do know I use too many supps, but I practically get them all for free(I sell them at a ridiculous markup over her...
Great article IA, great information. I'm going to try and integrate this kind of approach into my current training.
Posted by: @Aurora Good to have ya! We need a little more estrogen influence around here! Meh, estrogen is overrated.....j/kEven though this is...
Thanks for the replies everyone, I've listened to most of the songs mentioned (repeatedly!) so I'm always searching for new material as I tend to 'lea...