Last seen: Dec 2, 2022
Yep, exactly....right around the 4-5 week marker. Peace,Jacked
You're gonna blow up. I put 4 plates up on bench before naturally, BUT when I asked my friend if he helped he said "A little bit." WTF!!!!!!! I was ir...
T-Spine was the man telling me to keep the dosages lower. I was going to run 100mgs EOD of Prop. for the first 5 weeks. Glad I didn't because hell its...
IMO- You'd be happier with the results if you kept the dosages in the higher side. Those "higher" dosages would be considered low by some of the vets ...
I was just going to say the same thing. There are DEFINITELY two different areas we are talking about. BEING A MEMBER OF THE POLICE FORCE and TRYING T...
Cardi no offense bro but we're talking about being a cop and I think they'd sacrifice the extra money to know whether or not a guy sauced. Put it this...
Well, first of all if you're going to use Deca and Test you should plan on some bloating to some degree. You can control it with Arimidex, but its EXT...
I've been in the game a long time and competing in BB shows. Chicken and rice is good for dieting down, but I would not suggest it for adding mass. It...
Just so you know look at flexinnc's title and you will notice it says Elite Juicer. The man does not mess around and is VERY experienced. You probably...
Thats what she said too. Kidding. For real use you glutes. Even if you get pain there you can still hit the weights. Not to mention hitting a vein wou...
Get more test and add some Deca. Running only 250mgs/wk isn't going to do much of anything for you especially considering how much you weigh. Also, 50...
At 5'10" and 180lbs you can put a ton of weight on still naturally. I would personally wait until you're 21yrs old and have hit a brick wall in growth...
Dude, its from wiping too much!!!!! I swear to God bro, it happens to me all the time. I like to keep it clean!!!! LMAO :D But seriously that's what i...
Yeah, if you have T400 I would highly recommend not shotting it in your quad. In the ass is F'N REDICULOUS!!!! Some are worse than others, but I'm ass...
If its your chick you're talking about I would stick to T3/Clen.I would not give my woman a shot in the ass to make her voice deeper than mine....that...