Last seen: Dec 2, 2022
very true.
I've seen people on it and you'd never know. I never knew until Tren brought it to my attention about a couple guys at my gym...not including him.
the sad thing is that it looks like Valentino actually looked good at one point in that young picture. poor guy. ok maybe not....complete retard. lol
Ya know I'm a college educated man, but reading that makes me feel like a 2yr. old!!! You almost need to be a scientist to understand what it's talkin...
great info. from everyone. I enjoyed reading about GH. Personally, GH scares me and I've had great results with just normal stuff. Jacked:biggun
test is what jacks me up. i always front-load my test cycles with prop to get it in my system fast and then.....im a cat in heat :boink i rub against ...
well thank God for that Johnny!!! damn thats a long list. Ya know what Johnny....I read that list and feel myself getting fatter. lol
Flex its great to see you around again bro!!!! You're a great person to have here with all the experience you have!!
I'm with T-Spine.....don't use straps all the time. On the otherhand I find them to be very helpful when doing heavy lat pulldowns or rows. And my bac...
Lat. Pulldowns are basically the same movement only sitting down...I like those even better than chins because they're easier for me to focus on makin...
Thanks Dr. Jay...I just asked about that in another post and that was exactly the answer I was looking for. Jacked
Bumping T-Spine...could not have said it better myself. Total body workouts are for yuppies at the local Bally Total Fitness!!Jacked
No offense Katz but thats not good advice for a male whose into building his physique. For a chick that may be a good idea. An hour of cardio is way t...
Mon---ChestTues--Shoulders and Bi'sWed--Back and Tri'sThurs- Quads and HamsFriday-Shoulders and Bi'sCalves---Every other day or Every two days dependi...
T-Spine pretty much hit it on the head. You need to keep your carbs low....protein high...and do a lot of cardio. Staying active is the best way to ge...