Last seen: Dec 23, 2022
Didn't know much about 'Femara' (still don't) but I enjoyed the article.
Maybe you can personally use the Deca 400 with less oil per mg this may be too strong for you! and this may not affect the next guy! try using somethi...
the guys gave you some good info, and you do want to start low if you take too much of this stuff you could be getting form your Dr. legally not a goo...
Hey lil' bro, Don't be in such a rush, take some time to build a foundation and put in some serious time and natural muscle, before taking on the juic...
just do what works best for you! you can always take them just before your next meal and as you you said this could be as your stomach is semi-empty.
Other than the name Test Prop and NPP (Nandrolone Phenylprop. they do not share much in common except the both can be taken every other day or third d...
Didn't know there was such a mix! sounds interesting
PS. it may have been a bad batch and you may want to stay away from those numbers if you want to try this Company again!if the crystals don't disolve ...
you could try waming the gear up a lil' and see what may not have to stay away from Valo pharm it may just be a bad mix or it's been si...
what's the pharmacuetical (sp) name for the Diabeties 1?
what strength is it?
Contrary to what some think you do not have to inject eod, you can wait and do it ethd (every third day).a nice 10 week cycle does wonders!
don't forget to break-up yhe dosage through out the day as equal as possible!
Be sure to move around your inject. cites that's an awful lot of oil if you're using the the old standard type Equi. some of the the newer stuff by Ax...
If the bros are doing other gear at the same time it's gonna be hard for some to tell what's do what! especially if some of the gear is suppose to do ...