Last seen: Dec 22, 2022
well thats a kickass shake... post some more! :P
wow. . .just tried it... not too bad, when i was makin it my family was insinuating it would taste like complete sh1t... but actually what it tastes l...
hahaha okay guys, thanks.... okay and for future reference, what about if i were looking more towards the area of building mass. (when i was satisfied...
well, in that case, cut. :)
well luckily me n' my friend started lifting out together and we're both basically the same when it comes to availability and physicality... in my ver...
yeah maybe that is what it is, some kinda sub concious thing. oh well thats good then, cause that means it won't last. but who knows.
well... see there are people out there who have no care at all for anything materialistic.. like, they could live homeless and still be happy, it woul...
dirk: thnx, perhaps i'll take a look into it. :PLOL TS: "something else going on" AKA something is jacked up. well... sometimes i jus like to think of...
nah man.. as you said, it doesn't solve the problem....in my eyes its kinda hiding from the problem when you use that stuff. i believe there is a solu...
bacardi, its not jus a phase, its how i ALWAYS feel... man, i must say "life sucks" about 10 times a day atleast, literally. i don't know why. things ...
Do what makes you happy you say.. .well... what the hell is my problem here, i sit here day after day usually depressed. i have no idea what is goin o...