Last seen: Jun 24, 2024
I received another successful order from 1Steroids about two month ago and everything went smooth as usual. 1Steroids always delivers top notch gear i...
Forty and obese.. I think you need to cut down on fat sources other than fish oil.
Its too bad you said you're not hot.
You are going to screen for non-responders? You are crossing dangerously into the realm of pseudo-science.
Godmode:Point taken,hehe,but I've seen your pics and would guess you're 25% or so. Luckily for me, you are wrong about both of us.
but I feel confident I know what 20% looks like. You would probably say I'm like 40-50% bf then
You don't look at all around 20% to me. I'd guess closer to 15 than 20. I guess I'm really bad at this guestimation business.
When I flew British Airways from Dulles to Heathrow, they served chicken breast and mushrooms in a pretty light sauce, which wasn't so bad. However, o...
If it suits your lifestyle taking your Ephedrine stack in the morning before your cardio will help prevent muscle loss Myth. I am not even sure wh...
She took your advice and did a refeed. She said she felt a little sick by the end of the day. She's not used to eating very much at all now, and she s...
Once she's down to 25%ish she's gonna have to sort her calories out or else she's gonna mess up her endocrine system a bit in the short run and get no...
An update, for those of you who were dying to hear one... all none of you.She's eating around 700 calories a day and has been steadily losing 3-4 lbs ...
She just asked me what I knew about DNP.Hmm.
Would there be any physiological sense in having her take a week off from dieting? She is very motivated by results and doesn't seem to have any probl...
Just a general question for my own personal edification.. why is it that hypothyroid patients, even on hormone therapy who report normal thyroid hormo...