Last seen: Dec 23, 2022
Great to see you over on the freakz DW. Its great to have this mutual respect between the 2 boards. This is long overdue
I personally dont think the boyfriend was any parts of you. Especially if you say you travel there to see friends and family......he had his chance to...
Beastness is right.........if your going to be spending alot of money on gear, wouldnt you want to make sure that the person your dealing with his leg...
Welcome to the freakz V. Its always good to have a few more females interacting with us here. You can ask any questions that you have and dont have to...
Best of luck with you Flexin. Hope everything works out the way you hope the way that you expect
Poor TG.......gets pulled into another discussion
What can I first cycle was abomb only way back before the internet was around and didnt know a thing. Your best bet is to do some resea...
Hemogenin is a brand of Anadrol 50. They are 50mg tabs used mainly during mass cycles. How many tabs do you have to play with? I would definatly stack...
Atleast you get an A for effort sure not use to this side of you
Good info Tspine. Good to see you back on the Freakz bro. I was going to email you to let you know the site was back up and running
Im with tspine 100%.