Last seen: Dec 21, 2022
I haven't used IP's d-bol but from what I understand you really need to chew or smash them before swallowing . The omnadren should have a paper label ...
I would think with a 16 lb gain that your leverage would have been better to push more weight .It definitely is not normal but maybe it could go back ...
I had the same problem while on a little while ago and it was hemroids<sp> they went away on their own and haven't had any problems since .........
I like your cycle as well and bump for T-spine's prop over Suspension.Cut down on the ouchies lol
Ya know T-spine I thought his name looked familiar
I know a heavyweight who likes primobolan and alot of EQ and uses Nolvadex when dieting down
TJ ,your right on about this ,I was thinking the same thing when I read the post
Bump for T-spine ,I was thinking the same thing . Bro ,paying $5.00 a tab you did get ripped off
Sex is a must on cycle ,off cycle ,mid cycle ,he he he
I gotta agree with BigJim on this one ,besidesI personally think 19 is still kind of young to be doing a cycle .You have so much test in you naturally...
My very first cycle I ran 200 mgs of steris cyp for 10 weeks and gained 20 lbs and I really didn't even know what I was doing then
I really like that for a first cycle ,hit those fresh receptors HARD !!
I agree 110% with T-spine on this ,he is the voice of reason and knowledge