Last seen: Jun 7, 2022
you should extend the EQ to 10wks at 400mgs (200 2x WK)......also toss in some winny along with the fina to combat progesterone......for the eca i per...
CMF is exactly right (but don't let that shit go to your head now!LOL)it's your hormones trying to readjust....i'm the same way....i won't have any pr...
bump for TS....what good is lookin good if your shit doesn't work.....not only that but you'll be seriously depressed..whether you like it or
for more bang for your buck go with get some kick ass results...later bro.
at what dosage did they run them at and for how long?
i'm using it in my cycle right now (i'm in the 5th week)..been running it at 500mg (for a total of 10wks @ same dosage).....has me so hungry that i 'm...
personally i would run the proviron throughout the whole cycle at 50mgs ED stopping usage when you start your clomid...this should hold off the water ...
if your gonna use EQ then run it for 10wks to get better results...also if your trying to put on some mass then definetely toss in the sus...250-500wk...
does anyone here know if the .5mg IP superclen tabs have ketitofin in them?
bro the only thing i can suggest is maybe to lay off those areas for awhile....i just started to utilize my bi's/tri's/traps lately....i have yet to h...