Last seen: Dec 22, 2022
by the way i got a new Foreman grill... its the extra large one,,,,, it works aweome i was able to make my chicken breasts for the whole week!!!
I loved my foreman grill until my girlfriend threw it at me and craked my head open, becuse her roomate game a bj.....then she broke up with me.I miss...
Bump Mark dude you always contribute great 411,,,,, thanxI am considering picking up some Glut now
i do something similiar,,,, since the taste was so bland i added cinamin.... makes a great improvement to eating those type of meals
dude.... one key thing eat small meals through out the day,,,,but for lunch eat a large meal......pig out..... you will slow down your metabolism
thanx for the positive feedback lionman
Originally posted by Mass_Monsta Is Cell-Tech really that much better than regular creatine?? From what i hear it the greatest supplement ever made, i...
Forearms you can work out every day,,,, give those bad boys constant training, even carry one of those grDragon Pharma squeezer things with you while ...
I was acting a bit goofy one day, i decided to put my egg whites in a blender to stir them up,,, 3 eggs 1 yolk... i put some choclate syrup and a rece...
i just made an awesome egg beater burrito with potato and peppers
I like to boil my egg then i dDragon Pharma it in maynase and Choclate syrup, as weird as it sounds,, it is so good !!!!!!