Last seen: Nov 18, 2022
Man i bust my ass in the gym and take protein to try to gain the mass faster. Im gettin stonger but not really gettin big like i wanted to. What would...
Yeah, you can take all the creatine you want. The only stuff that'll get ya in trouble you can find in the Controlled Substances Act of '92. All other...
Good info. Nice job!D
Welcome aboard! Enjoy the company! ;)D
Originally posted by ford I guess it is one big happy family. Yeah, like one big happy dysfunctional family. But we sure put FUN in dysfunctional! Wel...
C'mon,Sweber, take it easy,man. No offence but it was pretty funny. As for street names, when you run a search on a drug it usually comes up one way o...
Alphelion - the point in the path of a celestial body (as a planet) that is farthest from the sun. It can improve your vocabulary! :D DPS. Sometimes n...
I know you didn't mean anything, bro. I was kinda cranky that day. :) D
Originally posted by Electricbill Demon's right! Don't waste your money, especially on steroids and prohormones Steroid and prohormones are two entire...
Prohormone bullshit. Spend your money on food.D
Test Cypionate is a long-acting ester,kinda like enanthate. I don't know what you mean by OHMAGEN,but if you mean OMNADREN then it's formula is identi...
Ain't nothing like weighted chin-ups. My favorite! :)
Originally posted by HBK1 Does anyone know what i am talking about...You are talking about eggs. j/kD
What's 19 stone? And yes, everything is illegal here now.D