Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
Thanks Cardi. any sites you know of that sell that PEG300?
sounds theoretically sound, but I dunno.
simplest advice for a diet would be to stay basic. Cut your sugars out completely, get your carbs from potatoes(not cheesy twice baked), oatmeal, gree...
I concur. I would start her at like 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of circuit training 3 days/week. Build up each week. Next week have her try 25...
You don't want to use Grain or everclear or Bacardi bro. It will eat your muscle tissue away. I can't even imagine how painful that shot would be. Eit...
What?! You're joking right?!
just use a simple anti-est in your cycle, like proviron, arimi,femara, nolv, etc.
I'd call it a lesson learned. The last thing I would do is make a new batch and try to combine some into an already made batch. That's just not smart....
yes sir....that's called Test replacement therapy. That's about the dose they give you when you're doctor puts you on TRT. However, you're test levels...
I second PS's comments. I had a client I was training that was very busy and didn't know how to cook. I had him eating eggs/oatmeal in the morning, 2 ...
I'm surprised no one has mentioned seat cable flys with the cables all the way at the bottom rung?? You then start in a fly position with the cables a...
for that reason, you may want to include EQ instead of deca. EQ will stimulate your appetite and force you to eat.I'd run the dbol up front too.
that's from anabolics 2000 isn't it? Yeah, it's an old designer drug. One of the first mixed compounds, that gave way to all these popular mixed compo...
you don't need to work your abs 4 days a week to see them. I'm living proof you can work them once a month and see them.