Last seen: Nov 17, 2022
Originally posted by Liftingchic I didn't jump to the pm she sent me i replied by saying i never taken test , in any form... ... it ju...
If you want to go the Test route Test Prop would of been a much better choice. If sides appear with Prop you can drop it and it will clear your system...
Alot of this will depend on the type of Anavar you are using. IP Anavar did nothing for me and Dieselgirl. Denkall is pretty good and Spa is very good...
It was pretty scary. She pulled through though. Next year will be different. I mean she was real bad. I couldn't even get her to have sex or anything!...
It could also be constipation. Do you still go on a daily basis? If not that can cause some bloating while relaxed. If you haven't really been going t...
What a choice! All that knowledge and good looks, plus a deamon in the sack! Gotta love her. I know I do. Congrats babe.