Last seen: Nov 17, 2022
I just don't agree on the whole tapering method. It's not like if you are running 1000mgs of test and you drop it to 500mgs your body is gonna say "hm...
I really wish DG posted here. She has a PCT for women that she does that really works well. It also helps some of the side effects go away. I'll as he...
I just placed 5th in the Heavy weight class at the 05 Jr Nationals in Chicago. I'll be doing the 2006 Nationals in Miami next.
Go eat a brownie will ya? But make sure Diesel doesn't find out. Chicks are so touchy about younger girls.That was funny as hell! LOL
No it wasn't a personal attack on you. It's just that I've seen posts like these a million times and it gets old. It's the same old lets post a pic of...
Is there really a point to this thread other than to knock female bodybuilding for the millionth time?
Not me I have to be able to see my abs. I'm not talking ripped 6 pack here LOL. But I can't go overboard. I do eat pretty much what I want though. Goo...
If I dieted for 6 months I'd shoot myself in the head LOL. I'm doing 16 weeks this year and it's plenty long enough for me. I'd have to be a total fat...
She rotates her carbs like me just keeps them lower obviously then I do. She isn't do much cardio at all and she's lost about 30lbs in 10 weeks of die...
I agree with what Buffdigity does. I see no reason to deplete and load. Look at most pros. 2 weeks before the show they are dry, hard, and full as all...
Basically I eat the same foods that I've been eating throughout my diet. I'll add in some simple sugars on wed and thurs then on friday I'll start eat...
What do you mean by keep drinking water, Buff? I'm sure you cut your water consumption at some point.If it's a saturday morning prejudging I stop wate...
If you had a hard time getting a pump then you weren't carbed up enough. Diuretics will only flatten you out more. They work really well but if you go...
I LOVE the BD line! They are all I've used for the past year. I'll be using their stuff right up to Jr Nats again this year.
Quite high, actually. I'm a carb freak. I can't live without some bread nor potatoes. Do you think it could be the cause of my bloating?Thanks for you...