Last seen: Nov 16, 2022
good job!
Thanks Queenie! I would rather play it safe than sorry with her. Lord knows I have taken bad advice in my younger days! What are some of the sides you...
oh, by the way...the stuff that both queeny and i recommended is very cheap. you can pick up a bottle of 8 ounces for like 5 bucks. it's real cheap.Sw...
Thanks guys I'l check into it.
Bumping back up....How long should she stay off before restarting another cycle?
You were right that was a great stack for her. Awesome gains in her back and arms! How long should she stay off before restarting another cycle?
Thanks for clearing that up Queenie!
Thanks for all your help!
does she want to grow? or does she want to lean out?She wants to grow a little more but basically wants to lean out a little more for the summer but o...
squats.....lots and lots of squats:)i like test for size gains, what kind of dosage was she running?I had her try 150mg a week. She did not really not...
She is 32 been training for a couple of years. She has tried small doses of anavar and winny. She didn't really notice any effects from the anavar. Sh...
Thanks Cardi. I am also interested to see what the QOD has to say. What would be some common dosages?