Last seen: Mar 19, 2023
Roidspharm, great source with the biggest variety of products period.Live customer service feature works great.Professional packaging, and good T/A fo...
Posted by: @sword- IAny other spinoffs of this recipe appreciated. I've been meaning to try it with applesauce.
Dude, it's like Clen. Really want some info, go to the IBE section of Anabolic Minds and search.
What I really want to know is why someone would choose albuterol or clenbuterol over Salbutamol. It promotes lean mass a hell of alot better, along wi...
12mg/100mg EC 5-6 times daily IS 12mg every three hours for most people. Depends on when you wake up and go to bed. So were on the same page...As for ...
Bump on Josh's question (nice avatar, by the way....)Would that impede fatloss? I'm all about BodyForLife's plan of no calories before morning cardio....
Par once told me that taking smaller doses of E frequently throught the day (12mg every 3 hours) would be pretty good for preserving muscle.
Okay, I really wasn't trying to be a dick, just was wondering if that was considered kosher in natural competitions.
Layne, did you use PH's or do you use any of the current PH"s? Seems that's allowed, atleast some of the new ones.And toad, I believe Sytenhance would...
How about ephedrine layne? You allow that? Just seeing how strict you are...Can't believe you don't take things like Powerfull and such if they are al...
Oh, okay.Do you not take caffeine? No stimulants? Damn layne, I would need them in the final stages of dieting, if only for their anti-catabolic effec...
He also takes adderall, right layne?
What's the dosing on these? Two caps before each of the requested scenarios?
Need another Tester? I tested the first round, and I gave you my results.
Xanthan Gum.