Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 19, 2022
Last seen: Nov 29, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 27
RE: Iron, ferritin (PART 1)

So, have a yearly physical with blood test every year. Always check the iron levels in your body, anything with FERR- in it. Too low means anemia, abo...

2 years ago
RE: Iron, ferritin (PART 1)

So, iron is the enemy, the great oxidant which we have to fight off. The initial reaction is of course, let's get more oxidants in our bodies!That's a...

2 years ago
RE: Iron, ferritin (PART 1)

So, that my father absorbs too much iron from his food did not happen by chance. It is a dominant, hereditary characterisitc. If one parent has that g...

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 442
RE: Need help with training a freind of mine

We are trying to get pregnant, so my info goes like this:1. Folic acid is very important,2. Once you are pregnant, you are not supposed to change your...

2 years ago
RE: whats up

Welcome.You came at the right place.:beerc

2 years ago
RE: supplements

I hope you know that whether you are using animal test or synthetic one, it does not matter; you are still using a steroid.Just saying this because yo...

2 years ago
RE: Just started

hardest habit to break?Chocolate ice cream!

2 years ago
RE: Just started

Welcome and congratulations!I do not want to burst your bubble, but at some point you will start overtraining. I am not telling you this so that you c...

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

Seriously, sounds like a prostate problem.

2 years ago
RE: The lady demon is...BACK!!

I was wondering about you.Good to hear from you again.

2 years ago
RE: Salmon

What I do is simplicity itself. There are two versions of the same thing:1. Spice up the fish and steam it until it flakes with a fork.2. Microwave th...

2 years ago
RE: Need Help,Losing FAT around legs!

Originally posted by Aku Hey Ape, dude your knowledge with weight, height ratio and bodymass is dead on..."if" she was at weight....but damn thats ama...

2 years ago
RE: Need Help,Losing FAT around legs!

Great, after all this, I might know how to subtract but not know how to read!You mean she used to be 188 lbs and now she is 148?Probably.Then, her BMI...

2 years ago
RE: Need Help,Losing FAT around legs!

So, if I know how to subtract well, your girlfriend is 108 lbs at a height of 5 feet and 5 to 6 inches.That is not fat. Actually, for her height she i...

2 years ago
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