Last seen: Dec 16, 2022
my friend had them cut the stuff out no scar and looks better than he did before he dont look like fabio now haha:)
Food and cardio is the best cutting agent. Diet then cardio.
I am a few days from 41...
No Carrier try this. you will be pleasently shocked. Cycle zink at 100mg for 2 weeks right after a cycle or in the midle of a pct time off, do your tr...
Bio is right the studies show it only works if your body need test levels uped like in older men, if you dont your body just shits it out. Trib works ...
Get wings! T-Bar just bought stock in red bull everyone.
Tattoo701 I find I lose more fat when I walk on the tread mill as fast as i can still not running and at the treadmills highest incline. I find when s...
Damn nice post BiO.... only thing i WANT TO ADD IS 2 THINGS. first he says drink water make sure its water your drinking not gatoraid. also he says th...
CLA, flaxseed, codliver oil, ala eating only complex carbs for your carbs mainly raw oatmeal. also dont eat to much carbs unless your trying to grow i...
You can use tribulus and leazea seeds. although the leazea seed acts like a steroid but it will not shut you down, and it will make you horney as hell...
(NOW) Multi -vit 75
I like Now vit brands. I think the NOW multi vit Is the strongest multi out there per pill.
I am looking to buy 1-5lbs of powder 20e leuzea seed now, stuff not only works good they are finding now that over taking it will work as good as tura...
It works good and is safe, the rushins used it in the 80-90's olympics. I used it for 6 months i put on I think 20-30 lbs, I was 235 naturaly besides ...
if thats leauzea seeds then it 100% works.