Last seen: Dec 16, 2022
Because he wanted to sell you more shit you didn't need.Why do I believe you on this one 100%?:).
LOL mine is 6200 barleans as well, I wonder why the guy who sold it to me told me it was weak on omega-3's hmm ,maybe I misunderstood him, but the hem...
yes true but its weal on the 3 part... so i mix 3 different ones myself I use hemp oil flax oil and take a omega-3-6-9 to boot.
OK jamo that sound smart, you know you can stick with var primo combo, and cycle them for life off and on and get killer gains in 5 years, no fat and ...
oh? I thought you did not want to do injectable? If your doing that keep the var but get some EQ deca test primo inject prop test enanthate test, buy ...
oh script means prescription. From a doctor.
he dont want to inject, he is going all orals, and every thing I have ever read about oral primo was that only very high doses effected your levels to...
Primo tabs have been around for a long time. They are not C-17 alkylated, so they are not liver toxic. Due to this reason, I would recommend taking 10...
Primobolan oral is better than inject, hence the price, both are very good though, but oral is the better. i think its only better because of no injec...
my medicine pile is half the size of this one lol, but I keep them separated and this does not include my steroids I get legally. Na the rollaids are ...
all this and more.
this is from the FDA web Site Jam... I am sure its more flawed than not, but thats all studies as we both well know. But a person still should take th...
here is some info for you if your going to do ECA stacks, sides and other info to keep you safe.Mild side effects of dehydration, nausea, dizziness, s...
Also so offense to anyone here, but i personally think eca has more sides than any thing, this is why I dont take it, this is not candies either and n...
Thats very true Jam, but when the person first gets on here he is already told to research this shit if they dont then shame on them, But its good to ...