Last seen: Dec 22, 2022
HCGMany practitioners consider this incredible hormone treatment of choice for hypogonadotrophic (secondary) hypogonadism. Such certainly makes sense,...
50-100 iu/day of hcg for 4 weeks, 10mg/day Nolvadex, 100mg/day clomid for 1st week, 50mg clomid/day for next 2 weeks..
doesnt really say much... but there it is..
ther is a new report that another mineral found in oysters is the primary element for increasing testosterone/libido/sperm & not zinc as previousl...
haha thats some real old school stuff there.. man i havent heard that name in a while... it was out in the 80's but is not being produced by legit pha...
and i though this was a conspiracy thread to get me.. :40
this is exactly what i was gonna post... you can also just drop an alka-seltzer in ur regular creatine and it will cost less.. the purpose is to dilut...
ive been doin the tuna patty thing too and like it.. i just mix 1 egg with a can of tuna and a little milk and throw it in the skillet.. makes 2 tuna ...
howdy pardner - welcome to the board :D
welcome aboard DW! :D
oh yeah? how about posting a pic of those chisled abs of yours M, or are ya running with the Chef Boyardee look this spring. :lol :lol
lol at beefy - stay away from the midnight tripple whopper with cheese. i have a protein drink mixed w water before bed myself, sometimes ill mix it w...
id run the sus - you know what your getting with the euro stuff & you can keep your blood levels even with a frontload & then correct timing o...
i usually eat my eggs with a fork but sometimes ill make a sandwich and when i have no bread and my eating utensils are dirty, cause sometimes im too ...
i was planning on running a similar cycle with sus - and was looking to try the frontloading concept with it & deca and possibly switch to cyp &am...