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things i ponder...

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why is it that we strive to better ourselves physically... its understandable for those who're in sports, but others like myself who do it just for the physical aspect. . .what is the importance? speaking for myself, i do it mainly because there isn't much else to do and i want to look good, i want others to look at me and say "damn", but do those reasons really justify what i am doing? yes it is healthy to get in shape, but that is not what i'm doing it for, i could care less about how healthy i am in all honesty.

why do i think like this, i think maybe beacuse i know there are those with a deeper sense of reality and don't need to worry about such petty things like physicality / appearence. therefore since i know this, and i know i can look beyond this mindset, theres a constant "contradiction" always within.. .in a sense i am a hypocrite. physically, what i am doing is positive.. but psychologically, maybe it is negative. why m' i typin this, well i'm bored as hell. . .:P can anyone relate?

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Seriously though, allow me to get all Psychological, up in here....

I believe the thoughts you are having are completely normal. People tend to go with what they know. You were likely athletic, or at least competed in sports to some degree early on in your childhood. You were likely socialized in such a way that you find comfort in, and feel the need to stay "competitive". Our society is one of competition. One where athletic ability, strength and overall appearance are rewarded. Sometime it is subtle, and other times it is not subtle. You may never think about it, but look at most CEO's of most large corporations. Most of them would be considered attractive. The ugly person may have the same credentials, but is at a disadvantage. Sports are everywhere and athletes are revered, looked at as heroes and role models.... More so, than even police, firefighter's, teachers, paramedics and other very important occupations. This socialization results in an ingrained need to work out, exercise, lift, get big or cut or strong..... Some people are affected more than other's. Even if you do not intend to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting, you are competing on some level, with yourself and your peers.

So, do what makes you happy. If looking rock solid fills that need and makes you happy, then do it. If you'd rather weight 300lbs, but be able to recite every shakespeare play, then do that. Everyone is unique and has their own niche.....

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Do what makes you happy you say.. .well... what the hell is my problem here, i sit here day after day usually depressed. i have no idea what is goin on. ever see the movie vanilla sky? well, i think that is what is happening to me. where is happieness, WHERE IS SATISFACTION!!!! ahhhhh

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Sound like your going through a phase.
A manic depressant phase.

Its all good, youll shake it off and continue living life to the fullest. We all go through it every once in a while, its rather healthy.

Titan......great freaking info, bro.
What are your hourly rates and can you fit me in for next week.LOL

Oprah has Dr. Phil......Freakz has Dr.Spine.LOL

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Cardi, I'll mail you my hourly rates..... 😀 But remember, I get to be the one lying on the couch..... 😀

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bacardi, its not jus a phase, its how i ALWAYS feel... man, i must say "life sucks" about 10 times a day atleast, literally. i don't know why. things just suck. actually, if you're really bored check out: that is the crap that goes through my head daily. heh. k cya

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Dude, go get help. Your depressed and could use some meds. Go to your Doc and tell him, get on some Paxil and or xanix.

I went thru the same thing when I was having marrage problems. But a little Paxil helped. Now I'm better and so is my marrage and everything is good.

When I get to stressed I hold out for as long as I can then just pop a xanix or valium. It's not the permament answer but it will do for now.

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nah man.. as you said, it doesn't solve the my eyes its kinda hiding from the problem when you use that stuff. i believe there is a solution, an answer to this unhappieness. i think i know what it is. i think its SCHOOL. i tell you, public schooling is filled with so much shit it disgusts me. it contaminates a lot of people. its natural usually to become your enviroment. and in high school, kids are so obsessed with physicality and "getting ass" it jus makes me sick. people are so shallow. i have 78 days of school left till i'm out and hopefully once i have my career moving (not goin to college, and yes if you were me u wouldn't have to go either so DONT ARGUE 🙂 maybe i'll be happier. but oh well. all i can do is.... wait.

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Good luck, But Iknow that when I was in school I had a great time. Smoking pot getting ass. But we all deal with things differently.

Good Luck

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Incite, I'm not the biggest fan of meds. However, think of this.... If your depression is the result of a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE, then you know what the problem is. Now, if that is found to be the case, they likely cannot correct the sole cause of the imbalance, but they can use meds to re-balance you and then you can be happy...... Or you can continue on, depressed..... If you were just short term bummed, cuz a relationshDragon Pharma ended or something, then yes, meds are not the best choice, time is..... but in your situation, sounds like you may have something else going on......

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if your depressed every day, chances are that you have seratonin inbalance in your brain that leads to depression. this does not necessarily qualify you as a "manic depressant" but it does let you know that certain drugs will level you out.

i've been taking Zoloft for about 4 months for depression and i'm so glad i did. i started off taking Paxil and it was making me too tired so my doctor gave me Zoloft.

anti-depressants are more than just a temporary fix for your problems. it's a remedy to get your life back on track and in order.

go see your family practician and tell him all of your thoughts and see what he says. if he feels that your deep into depression he'll refer you to a specialist but chances are that he'll give you some free sample packs of some form of ant-depressant to see how well you react to it.

good luck and keep your head up!


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dirk: thnx, perhaps i'll take a look into it. 😛

LOL TS: "something else going on" AKA something is jacked up. well... sometimes i jus like to think of it as maybe i'm just depressed and so messed up because i'm a genius, maybe i'll go cut off my ear like Van Gogh did and become famous. :\ yes yes, i know, wishful thinking. oh well, the world is what you make of it right? damn, if only i could look at life that way. okay thats enough, cya.

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personally , i'm thinking that isn't your problem.

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We judge ourselves the way others do, whether it's physical or other...when I am not working out and looking good, I am not feeling good either...I begin to dislike myself......I want to look good until I am old and gray...we all know that working out will allow you to pretty much keep a very nice body through old age, although your face does can still have a hot body, however shallow that is...and I hate to be objectified personally, but I can't change the world, it is what it is....and it is kind of sad

I guess that's why I want to get a new face, I will probably be getting face lifts every 10 years, who knows...maybe by then I will really love myself and accept aging gracefully....I will keep my fingers crossed....

If you are feeling down, then go get a bottle of St. John's wort and take 2 twice a day....for real

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well... see there are people out there who have no care at all for anything materialistic.. like, they could live homeless and still be happy, it wouldn't phase them at all. the type that really sees a person for who they really are instead of judging by their physicality... if they met a person who was 500 lbs, but was a really great person they'd love them, marry them, wouldn't matter at all. thats how i'd like to be n' not worry or care about that stuff :\

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