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Okay, these products on the shelf.

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I know alot of you guys know this stuff, but some might not.

#1 Don't waste your money and time on GH sprays. First off,HGH injectable is cheaper. The amount of GH in the sprays equals to about 1/10th of a IU. Second, it's mixed with alcohol, and destorys any of the 1/10 you would have gotten, and isn't absorbed very effectively either. Third HGH is shipped cold and once mixed, it has a shelf life of about a week, and still has to be stored cold, sprays sit on the shelf for months, at room temperature. So IMO, if you want the benifits from higher levels of HGH and not inject the stuff, try some GH enhancers, that raise your natural GH, if that works.

#2 take your electronic wonder ab machine back to the store. Reps, isn't going to do it, sorry. We move our arms 1000's of time during the day, and do they get bigger? No!! Why? because you need resistance. Workout with weights and do your arms get bigger? yup, why? resistance. Doing regular ab crunches and other exercises, and there is alot, offer resistance, And if your want to lose your gut, for get about your middle anyways. Think more on the lines of diet and aerobic exercise, working out your two biggest calorie burners, your glutes and legs.

Okay sorry, I know alot of you guys know this stuff, but I get asked it constantly. Somebody watches this wonder stuff on TV and thinks "Hey, I can do that", Don't even bother.

Peace out,

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Good post Bigbubz.
Doesnt it feel good to get this off your chest?

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LOL, we all got vent brotha, and yeah, it kinda does, and the dog appreciates not getting kicked this time. Even thou it's the neighbors dog. I hate that fackin mutt, Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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If it was that easy.......the world would be full of fucking huge cut people

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Some great points bro, but I'd like to address one of your comments.
take your electronic wonder ab machine back to the store. Reps, isn't going to do it, sorry. We move our arms 1000's of time during the day, and do they get bigger?
I don't know about you but I don't train my abs hoping they will get bigger. I agree that you need the weights to develope abs, but if you want them to be deep and cut then you'd better spend some time in front of the mirror hitting those ab shots. It's the contractions that really help finish off those abs. It isn't a coincidence that the guys who are always pulling up their shirts and hitting those ab poses in the middle of the gym are the guys with the best developed abs. I can train abs for a year, but when I start cranking down on those abs in the mirror 20 times a day, that's when they turn impressive.

In that regard I'd have to think the ab zappers may have some benefit. The question is...are you using it to do the finishing touches on an nice developed six pack or are you trying to turn a tire into a rock?

Chest Rockwell
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Originally posted by buffdiggity
How you can say that. All I do is sit here typing on the puter, with my ab generator strapped on and a big ole bottle of spray GH. I take a spray about every hour, in between coliciting Tailyn for cyber sex and look at where I'm at....TG says if I keep this routine up(must confess, I stole it from him), I will reach the 185 mark like him!

185? Why's everybody got to lie about their weight? TG is 185 soaking wet and holding a 25 lb. dumbell.

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Originally posted by buffdiggity
How you can say that. All I do is sit here typing on the puter, with my ab generator strapped on and a big ole bottle of spray GH. I take a spray about every hour, in between coliciting Tailyn for cyber sex and look at where I'm at....TG says if I keep this routine up(must confess, I stole it from him), I will reach the 185 mark like him!


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Poor TG.......gets pulled into another discussion

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"you guys are too fuckin' funny," said the 184lb. college-student....

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buck sixty here of course i'm a wee bit taller than a midget at 5'3"with a knife and guns and an attitude(tore a pec yesterday)
