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message to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i was curious and just look at the all thread that i sent before,and you wanna know what?50% of the time it s turn in a stupid humorous childish `lol`` and dissapointing weak comment..i think there maybe around 20 members who sent something with structure ,knowledge and inteligence(im maybe not a english mayor!!!)but have knowledge that i would like to share ,that why im here,to learn from you,can be open book, s not a humorous site it s drugs , steroids and dangerous side-effect...they re kids around playing Testosterone like playstation!!!!!!!!!!

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I would reply if I had an idea about what you were talking about???????

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i mean there around 6000 members and most of the time you submit serious thread and people sent reply of pure element of childish crap, useless words ,i am clear right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We also have a forum for this. It's the Flame Board.

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Posts: 41

Okay, some of us like to joke around a bit. So sue me. Most serious questions get serious answers from people who know what they are talking about, along with a few posts from people with no clue.

BTW Kevin, What have you contributed to the board?

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Posts: 87

Since this started out as, and then became a full on flame....I moved the thread.

kevin....we had this discussion back in December with a lot of contributions. look back and you'll be able to find it, for more input.
