How will anyone get rep if everyone is at 0 and cant give rep lol?
not being a smart ass, just curious!
cuz ima boss
ok that cleared up nothing bro lmao
if u have no rep and u rep someone u give 0 rep, so everyone will always stay on 0 lol
I was honestly wondering the same thing lol plus, you kinda learned who to trust on the other forum. Regardless of rep points or anything. Now there are so many names n shit that I don't recognize lol
i see bosses have disable rep?
rep is good, forces people to be a little nicer than they otherwise might be :coffee:
Yeah rep is disabled, I vote to add it in.
I like that theres no rep. I never cared for the whole rep system.
^^ this
Repped the op.
why you need rep, did it make you bigger, stronger.
oh, thats right, it makes you feel like your better than everyone with a lower rep that knows more but they thru a neg party on for dissagreeing with your internet homies!
wish i had a big ass rep score like benj did.
Hahaha fucking Benj..
why you need rep, did it make you bigger, stronger.
oh, thats right, it makes you feel like your better than everyone with a lower rep that knows more but they thru a neg party on for dissagreeing with your internet homies!
wish i had a big ass rep score like benj did.
Iv always liked the rep system lets you know who's a fucktard and whos not, plus it gives you that tingly feeling when you get rep'd
Rep points mean nothing. Its greatly abused.