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Cigarette Smokers

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I have been smoking Camels for quite some time. I was just wondering what others on this site smoke. Any opinions?

Steel Reserves
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No don't smoke cigarette's, never have never will; and I can't tell you how glad I am that I never started. It's not only the health hazards but the cost of a pack of cig's now-a-days, ridiculous.

Now ganja on the other hand...:blunt


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SR, you have a great point about the prices and such. They are horrible. About the health hazards, there's not many things in life that isn't bad for us so I say bottom's up. Brab a beer, a cigarette, and a woman have have at it guy.

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I just smoke when i drink now.. too expensive and i dont care for it anymore either but for some reason they go soooo well with alcohol. Good thing i dont drink much. lol

A pack of cigs here is around $12

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Yeah they sure do go well with alcohol. $12? Wow. That's VERY expensive. A pack around here goes for no more than $5.

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Gave up a pack-a-day habit five and a half months ago. Hardest, but the best thing I've ever done. I've had a couple with beers since- but have zero desire at other times.

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I started smoking a couple weeks ago from the stress and just being around so many smokers at work. I think its pretty gross and you just cant get that stink off of your fingers. Not worth it and besides we want to build muscle and there is wayyyyy too much research against smoking.

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I don't smoke. My girlfriend does sometimes after sex - I guess I should start using KY or some other lubricant. 😀

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I've smoked off and on since I was 10 (I'm 46 now) I use smoking when I diet, and drop it when I get sick of smoking. It is a habit that if one can control is really no worse than any other vice.

Oh and there are quite a number of pro BBs that smoke as well both male and female.

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Hi, my name is DML and I am a smoker....

I have somked for about thirteen years but usually give it up when I get serious about training. The longest stretch with out was 2 1/2 years and I am tring to gear up to give it up again. Hopefully for good this time.


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I used to alternate between smoking and dipping, depending on my training, but I dumped all nicotine 15 yrs ago, and I'm glad I did. Smoking is bad for you. My dad had lung cancer twice, (he finally quit smoking) and my mom died from emphysema.
