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kalpa pharmaceuticals

Official Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Website

Most recently i did a 18 week bulk with all Kalpa products. During my bulk i went from 206lbs to 265lbs. During that time my body transformed like crazy.

I'm not going to list all of my measurements but to give you an example of the size i put on. When i started my arms were 17inches cold, right now cold my arms are around 19.5inches cold. This bulk was supervised by a pro. I was also using igf, growth, and 2 weeks of insulin.

In my most recent bulk i ordered

  • BOLDAXYL x 10
  • STANOXYL x 6
  • DIANOXYL x 6
  • SUSTAXYL x 7
  • TESTOXYL C x 7
  • TESTOXYL E x 7

Thats a lot of products to review. But I promise every single product did everything it was supposed to do.

Sust, cyp, Test e - All are amazing. test and cyp felt pretty similar. sust was hands down my favorite.

Dbol - strength was way up

Tren e- one of my favorite products. strength is insane, crazy changes in the body.

Stanoxyl - hardness and dryness was there

Oxandroxyl - loved this product. strength went up, vascularity was awesome.

Boldaxyl - ran this for the whole 18 weeks. i loved it. Definitely noticed it, vascularity and hunger.

Nandroxyl - strength up, not much water weight (diet) also loved this product. I firmly believe Kalpa Pharmaceuticals does not have one bad product. Hands down the best lab.

Here is a list of websites where you can order legit Kalpa Pharma products:

This topic was modified 9 months ago by admin

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i've finished my cycle 9 weeks ago and i just finished PCT a week ago. Had a hard time with trenboxyl (night sweats), and oxandroxyl was really good compared to what i tried before. i bought many times stuff labeled as anavar but then it turns out to be something else like Dbol or something. i ran Tren TEST and Var gained 14ibs under very strict diet , keep in mind this is a cutting cycle. i started weighing 209 and i went to 223ibs i lost 7ibs since i finished my cycle and I'm at 215ibs. i also started 8% body fat and i'm now about 7%. i measured using calipers.

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I ordered Kalpa Pharmaceutical's Test E and ran it solo for 12 weeks at 500mg/week. The gains in strength and size were outstanding. I put on around 21 lbs, with only a 1.4% increase in body fat (bodpod tested). Strength and libido were through the roof. Sides were as expected, though my back acne was particularly severe. Overall, I had a great experience and would use their products again.

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KP Test E 250 - High quality and top shelf no words except for OUTSTANDING huge strength increase appetite increase all lifts have increased proof that Test E alone is always a good choice and powerful choice for quality muscle

Us your fucking brain.

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Products are very good quality. The oil is thin and i never have any pip after injections. I have done a few cycles with them. I got amazing results with there gear. I never noticed any estrogen side effects from the gear i took .5 mg ed og adex so this probably helped. Im currently on week 9 of sust and eq cycle and could not be happier. My size and strength have gone up and my vascularity is alot better with this cycle. The only side effect i have noticed is my body hair has gotten worse which i can live with.Once my cycle and pct are over im gonna try there clenbuterol/t3 as i have heard its amazing at spot reduction for fat loss.

Kalpa is the best brand i have used you cant go wrong with them.

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Ok, I have to say that Kalpa puts out some fire!! This review is for kalpa var - oxandroxyl, I have been running it now for two weeks at 50mg daily split am/ pm doses. Veins are really starting to show on upper chest and a few on my quads that I've never had before. Muscles are hardening nicely and pumps are almost to much....just kidding. This is my first exp. with anavar but I have run a good deal of Kalpa compounds before this and have yet to be let down by kalpa. I highly recomend Kapa they are on top of their game forsure!

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All products are legit. The clen is stronger than anything Ive used before. All the expected sides that come with clen and let you know its working!! Sweating my ass off constantly. Var is great as well even at 50mg/ day. Strength and pumps increased after only one week. I would recommend and will be using Kalpa again.

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First time with Kalpa products. Wow! Oil is sooo smooth the first 2 weeks I thought it was underdosed. Nope! It's not! Running 12 weeks, Test P x100mg ED, Tren A x75mg ED, Mast Prop x100mg ED. Got the Kalpa Mast half price on deal of the week. Didn't realize it was a blend, so I didn't use it. I don't like long esters. I'm pinning everyday to keep blood levels as stable as possible. I really have almost no sides from the Tren at all. Awesome!!! I only bought 2 Tren to try, I have more Tren from another source to finish with. But next cycle will be ALL Kalpa! Exemestane at 12.5mg ED, Cabaser at .50mg twice a week. Both are on point. No estro sides or prolactin issues. I just did bloods 4 weeks in now. I had to up the Exemestane from 6.25 ED to 12.50 ED. My strength is up, I'm seeing gains. Libido is crazy. I want to smash everything moving. Doesn't matter. Fat, ugly, old, no problem. Skin is oily. Body fat is dropping. Vascularity is getting good. I'm crushing my 2 hour workouts everyday. Kalpa is BY FAR the best source! They have everything you need. Brands are available. Prices are great! This was my second order. I just placed a third for some HGH, HCG, more Axio Exemestane and some Kalpa Anadrol to finish my cycle with. I will continue to order through Kalpa. There is no reason not too! Plan your cycle and order ahead. I'm a bit impatient, so I'm just going to keep placing orders that way I'm never waiting on my gear.

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As always the quality has been fantastic, no complaints yet! I've been using KP test E 250 at 400mg a week and KP Bold 300 at 350 week. I began my cycle with dianabol from dragon. The dbol helped boost start gains and quickly saw a strength increase in only 8 days. The test started hitting well at about the third week, and the Bold just started hitting very hard in the 6th week producing awesome definition. Great products, Kalpa and Dragon don't skimp on you.

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KP test cyp 250

KP deca 250

KP anadrol 50

KP dbol 50

the quality is great like always never have any pip or bad sides my gains are amazing i did a 16 week bulk cycle and i just finished very sad cause i love being on this cycle but now its time to cut but if you want to put on a lot of size and strength this is the way to go!

"The fateful question for the human species seems to me to be whether and to what extent their cultural development will succeed in mastering the disturbance of thier communal life by the human instinct of aggression and self-destruction. It may be that in this respect precisely the present time deserves a special interest. Men have gained control over the forces of nature to such an extent that with their help they would have no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man." - Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents

"Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind." - Immanuel Kant, Transcendental Logic

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The quality of the products is incredibly good and I trust in recommending these products to anyone interested in using KALPA gear The ANAVAR worked wonders for me unbelievable strength gains and i lost about 3-4% body fat

the Clen and T3 are incredibly good and very noticeable results were gained from the three products used in combination with a little test e 250 so far this has been a great combination with an amazing transformation

The LETRO I used only to get rid of a little nipple soreness I had from the test. The Arimidex is of good quality and definitely helped keep my estrogen in check. the dbol is clean nice noticeable gains very quickly and effectively winny is of top quality and full strength nice job on my girlfriend along side of some anavar definitely a great combo to get a woman in ripped status Proviron works wonders keeping libido sky high at 25-50 mg a day love this compound one of my favorite

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This is my experience with Oxandroxyl.

Quality is very good. been using 2 a day for a couple of months now while Im off cycle. Melts the fat away and keeps it that way. I use this stuff bridging my cycles and couldnt be more happier.

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Kalpa tren ace and Kalpa Test E

12 week cycle consisting of doses of Tren @ 400 a week and test e @ 375 a week. Smooth as butter with the occasional tren cough.

Kalpa is the real deal.

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Kalpa Anavar 10mg/ 100 pak.

These were some very potent 10mg pills for sure. The results and progress was well noticed and all the expected sides were present once the compound settled in. Started at 50mgs a day and increased it to 70mgs a day by the end of the run..

I was very impressed with the Kalpa oral anavar for this run and I would use it again should I be in the need for more in the future. All in all, this was a great experience and this has given me new faith in the Kalpa line for the future. Excellent product and would recommend anyone to try it for sure..

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I can only write about the stuff I used personally, since receiving the pack a few week ago: everything works well and as intended. Kalpa always worked well for me andmy friends. The clen gave me off-the-wall jitters for the first 2 days. Made me sweat and breathe a little heavier, but I'm losing 2 pounds, safely IMO, a week since taking this stuff. The letro is not making my gyno reoccur, as I'm very prone to it. I'm staying dry and not retaining much water. The proviroxyl is my favorite. I take 50 to 75mg's a day. I believe this is making my sust shots stay longer in my system, but it definitely gets my the vascularity, definition I'm trying to maintain. My libido has noticeably gone up too 🙂 The oxandroxyl is very nivce as well. It gave me additional definition, a noticable boost in strength.

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