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i tried my first british dragon product recently and was very impressed with it. i tried the trenabol depot and with eod injections it made my strength go crazy. unfortunatly 2 weeks into using it i developed the flu and had to stop as i got pretty damn sick.
if you want to look into british dragon products farther, on BD has their own forum where you can read about the products and also ask questions directly to the good people at BD. there are also some lab reports posted that were done on a few of the products BD makes to show the quality and accurate dosing.

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BD is good stuff, have been able to get some great gains from their products, The Dbols I was not to impressed with, but it is hard to find good Dbol. Cyp was good, had no flu like problems, but it did hurt like a bitch after each pin.

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thats strange cuz i loved the dbol. got me through a few plateaus.but everyones different.

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BD is good stuff, have been able to get some great gains from their products, The Dbols I was not to impressed with, but it is hard to find good Dbol. Cyp was good, had no flu like problems, but it did hurt like a bitch after each pin.

I am sorry to here your not impressed with the Methanabol. Can you please send me a PM about.

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Okay, I just did not get the results from the past, like the old ttokoyo. I guess my body just did not want to grow on it this time. But the test was great and just about everything else was great, very good quality, keep up the great gear.

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I LOVE the BD line! They are all I've used for the past year. I'll be using their stuff right up to Jr Nats again this year.

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6 bottles of Sustabol 350

I have used it for a few weeks now and I think I prefer the sus from British Dragon. It has more mg per ml and is priced the same, I don't have to pin as frequently. This sus does seem to hit you quicker. Gains are about the same, I am averaging 12 pounds a month!!!!

Overall one of the best in terms of products and price

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  • Sustabol 350
  • Trenabol Depot

I gained 15 lbs on this cycle and felt hard as a rock. I would recommend keeping the tren dosage up there with the test, because I was running the test much higher and I was not getting night sweats. After fixing the dosage, I definitely felt the tren like crazy. Insomnia, night sweats, you name it. Awesome cycle, will definitely order British Dragon products again.

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the results are great considering the rather low dosage of 250mg test/e and 600mg eq a far i have lost a fair bit of body fat and put on about 2kg of weight since i started.don't get fouled by the 2 kg,as my body fat loss is rather significant and i am already leanish in overall look is more vascular and the lifts have consistently increased in reps and consequently in weight.

i am very happy with the products i got, and think the dosage stated is in fact what you get.i have noticed on other cycles that i always get some hair loss on test which is undeniable in white foam when you wash your hair.being the case now again is a other indication to me that the products are indeed what they are supposed to be.

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This is a review of British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Oxanabol 10mg Tabs.

I ran these at 80mg ED and it was a productive addition to my cycle. The Anavar helped to create a leaner look than I usually carry and provided a great pump during my workouts. Strength increases were somewhat evident although not quite as much as I had anticipated. I should note that I added the Anavar towards the tail end of a cycle and that the strength boosting effects typical of Anavar might not have been able to fully materialize due to the already saturated receptors in my body.

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The product quality is Great, I have bin using Oxanabol for a while & this is my favorite so far, I got good strength gains running 60mgs per day for 8 weeks, insane pumps at the gym & achieved my goals.

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Lately I've been on 1cc test prop 1cc tren ace EOD for past 4 weeks. I'm a newbie to the sauce (3rd cycle) I'm running all British Dragon products starting earlier in the year on test prop, equipoise, and dianabol. As of this week i added 0.5 cc 0f water based (British Dragon) winstroll every day. Needless to say my workouts are explosive Went from 315 bench to 375. Ran a squat everyday routine for 3 weeks I'm getting ripped. Next week I'm adding Masteron and anavar.

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10 kits so 1000iu of Somatotrobol HGH. Couldn't decide on these or Dragontropin. After reading quite a bit on HGH it seems there isn't too much of a difference as long as you trust your supplier. Well I definitely trust my supplier so I went with the cheaper ones.

I've never taken HGH before. I've been taking 6-8 ius a day for about 3 weeks now. I can tell a difference in my sleep and I think im starting to look leaner. But its really too early to tell the FULL effects with HGH.

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I completed my 12 week cycle the BD Oxydrol was on point to kick off the cycle. The test e had me growing and primo is a must in almost all of my cycles. It was okay primo but I just used more to get my desired effect. Can't really complain about the products they are pretty consistent

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BD is always my go-to brand. I feel they have good credibility in my eyes and mimic pharm grade gear as close as you can for a UGL. I've been running the Tren at 100mg/d alongside the Test Prop at 100mg/d -- a 1:1 ratio, something I haven't tried in the past. Being an experienced Tren user who used to always run high Tren low Test, I figured I'd try the 1:1 ratio. I'm about four weeks along and honestly, I feel the same at equal parts Test as I would at low dose Test (sides wise). I never have really gotten hit with side effects other than elevated heart rate and loss of cardio capabilities from Tren, so this seems to remain consistent. As far as "gains", I have stopped the approach of weighing myself and checking body fat a long time ago. I go off of how I look in the mirror as I am not competitive, rather do it for the vanity. But the gains are what is to be expected by running the nectar of the gods. Shoulders rounding out and taking on that "synthetic" look, waist getting tighter, chest becoming fuller, and vascularity through the roof. It's like eating a mushroom from Super Mario Bros. I am not sure how long I will continue this cycle, as I have run Tren for irresponsible lengths in the past, but I feel good, and I sure as hell look good. Can't get the ladies off of me.

I would like to add the one thing I did notice was off of the "higher" dose of Test Prop, matching the Tren dose of 700mg/w that my face has becoming semi bloated. This isn't due to a poor diet, but having too much testosterone/estrogen in my system. People love to say Test Prop doesn't bloat, but I am here to say otherwise. Unless I eat like a Saint I will retain water under my chin.

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