hahahahahah persian i appreciate the solid advice big brother. i wouldnt want that happening to me either so i will stray away from subq with suspension. actually since i have never done hgh or peptides or HCG or anything like that i have never taken a subq shot before in my life :0 i may have to try it sometime. But yea ED shots do suck but i can tell the difference when bloods are more stable so i suck it up. however when pre contest rolls around i am doing ed shots for 12 weeks and that really really sucks.... so i need to lay of the ED shots now in the off season to maybe not be full of needles for once lmao.
Yeah run longer ester off season so you dont build up as much scar tissue. Hgh and Hcg leave no pip and shit its nice I figured that since test and deca leave a small bump its prob the oil so I thought that if I did winny since suspended in water it would be like hcg or hgh. Hell no it wasnt bro lmao. hahaha. shit no. hahaha. I might just go oral with the winny I dont have tolerance or time for ed shots right now.
Another thing you might want to try is backload slin pin for shots. I do 3ml glute sometimes and sometimes I do 1ml each quad and one delt ect ect to switch it up with slin pin. I sware with slin pin the pip is like zero bro. and Hella fast lol. since they are 1ml you need a few every inject day but the 29gauge pin leaves minimal scare tissue and when your injecting you cant feel shit. I do quads and delts with slin pins. I wanna start injecting bis/tris but Im too chicken lmao. Freaks me out thinking of all the nerves and shit
im with you on that bro. i have always kinda wanted to go for bis or tris injections but i have always been really scared. there are huge tendons and nerves all through there....SCARY SHIT!!! lmao
Scary story... Back before I took a 7 year break, when I was a dumb teeny bopper I was making prop and tren(basskiller) style lol.. I decided to do bi and tri shots a few times. First few were cool... Then one day boom right bi. Injected and a crazy burn(finished the shot anyway like an idiot) afterwards just burned like crazy. Shortly after my right arm swoled up to almost 24 inches!!! From 18! It was bad week or two went by and and I went to a party... Girl was rolling on X and started massaging my arm( I was wearing a sweatshirt) then BOOM IT POPPED! Lol. Felt like warm water glowing through my arm. For like two weeks after my forearm was yellow and blue from the drainage. Had no strength in my right bi for months. Had to self rehab. 6 months later I was clean off everything and joined the military lol... I will never do a bi shot again regardless of anything
HOLY SHIT TINYSHREK!!!! TAKING THAT FUCKING HORROR STORY OUT OF HERE!!! lmao nah im just playing with you brother, good to see you over here in the kalpapharm forum. but damn man, that sounds like a crazy story man. i am sorry that happened to you and i am scared now. you deff had a huge cyst in there...ew bro ughhhh i cant get that picture out of my head now lmao.v
Thats it man. Thats just like greg valentinos story lmao. Ahhs now thats some shit bro. Except he went to er and yours got massaged by a chick on x lmao. sorry but its kinda funny too. Yeah I stick to quads glute and delts seem to be the easiest lmao.
i wonder what the girl on X was thinking.......
Prob I wonder what his penis feels like. LMAO:roflmao:
i wonder what the girl on X was thinking.......
hahaha ^^^^ omg
Wait Unc? your not a rep? wtf? But yeah I got that Kalpa Pharmaceuticalsney winny right now too bro!! lol. You pinning ed or eod? I did a small subq inject of it 2 days ago and... yeah never again lmao. Im sure IM its less Pip.
use a 25g x 5/8 im needle in tricep no proplem bigp.
Oh Ok unc I use that on my quads lol. I use slin pins on quads too sometimes lol.
off track here from thread but anybody chime in, everytime i inject in my outer and in middle of my hip and knee my leg swells up for a few days no infection but i use my quads as iam running out of realestate as scar tissue, so iam i doing something wrong or should i use longer needle? or the nail to inject, i never had this troulble when i was young but now iam old in bbing terms. wat say you guys?
Is it all gear? Maybe the area is more sensitive to the pip? But in general when I dont pin deep enough I get a painfull swelling sometimes eo closer to the sq tissue will cause inflamation. But who knows?! lol hope this helps brother.
hey bro, your leg could be swelling because your sciatic Nerve runs down your bunch cheek and into your legs. it also run up into your lower back on the left or right side. it kid of wraps around if you will. so if your injecting a lot of oil into your but cheeks, that could be causing swelling and that is what is pushing on your sciatic nerve slightly. make sense ?