Welcome to our new board, 100% secure and off-shore.
How do I pm
looks good, thanks for creating
The king has arrived.
How do we know we're safe from the devils of the government
Because this server is untouchable, it's in Panama.
lol @ 100% secure.
Great Forum. Nice to be here.
Followed suit after the forums I frequented went down. Went by kh496f but got tired of the combination of awkward letters and numbers. Definitely glad to be here.
great site!
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Ahhh Nothing like feeling safe. I say fuck safe, time to feel like superman again!!!
Nice to be here.. new house
Welcome to our new board, 100% secure and off-shore.
How do we know we're safe from the devils of the government
Because this server is untouchable, it's in Panama.
lol @ 100% secure.
^^^ All this has been logged into the NSA database 😉
What was the date IM changed and this became the SHIT I been on Vacation and come back and its all changed,I feel like this is The Twilight Zone.Are the usual guys here from IM. other then that I like the off shore stuff... sounds good..