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30/09/2022 11:02 pm
Nice lookin site ya got here. I used to go on this site years ago then something happened. i was a regular member of then moved to me and neccessarymuscle are friends and he told me about AZ. I'm kinda new to this game too. but am looking to make it a career one day.:D
30/09/2022 11:33 pm
Welcome 2 AZ!!
30/09/2022 11:52 pm
Welcome aboard Rugger, glad to have ya!
01/10/2022 12:14 am
Welcome and remember that we ALL learn by helping eachother out!
01/10/2022 12:32 am
Originally posted by bajamark
Welcome and remember that we ALL learn by helping eachother out!
01/10/2022 1:03 am
Welcome to the AZ Rugger. Good to have another Canadian with us eh?:beerc
01/10/2022 1:22 am
Ah shit another Canadian! Now Adreanaline wont be so lonely! LOL
Have to give you a hard time bro!
Welcome to the AZ!!