I am new to this board and would like to gain some advice from expierienced weight lifters such as yourselves. I am currentely 5"11 @ 250 lbs but at about 23% bodyfat. I have been lifting for at least 6 yrs. I have lost weight before but lost so much size it was not funny my lowest ever bodyfat was 10% at 190.
I have started eating low carbs and higher protein 5-6 times a day I also aquired some clen. What is the best way to utilize it as well as what other gear can I use that will help me to be hard and chizeled maybe 7 or 8% at say 195-200 lbs. As well what weight/cardio setup should i work with. I know these are a lot of questions but I need help and want to go in the right direction thanks in advance;)
Run a search on clen. There's TONS of info on it here on the board. And welcome to AZ!
welcome to The family son... There are many people on the board that will be more than willing to help you.
thanks i'll search what up oneunit
Welcome :beerc .
Welcome to the AZ:beerc
Welcome to the AZ bro!! Pull up a chair and have a protein drink! :beerc
Welcome 2 AZ
Unlike LBM, pull up a chair and have beer...lol, welcome to AZ bro...good luck!