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30/09/2022 10:31 am
new to the neighborhood. wont you be my neighbor?
30/09/2022 10:52 am
As long as we don't have to wear that sweater we will!! LOL
Enjoy as you will find some real honesty and great advice here. Always good to see someone new.:D
30/09/2022 11:17 am
30/09/2022 11:34 am
Welcome to the AZ!
30/09/2022 11:53 am
30/09/2022 12:17 pm
Welcome 2 AZ!!
30/09/2022 12:41 pm
Welcome to the AZ:beerc
30/09/2022 1:05 pm
Welcome to AZ
30/09/2022 2:33 pm
Welcome and glad to have ya!:beerc