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New HGH Program....any input would help

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I'm 40 years old and have just got a 6 month supply of HGH Sazine, 2 IU's per day 5 on and 2 off. When are the most optimum times to inject?

I have plenty of Decca and winny tabs and would like to mix these in very soon for 6-8 weeks while using the HGH. What would you're recommendations be? Is 2 IU's per day enoguh?

I'm 5'8 198 lbs and have done cycles before, but looking to really trim down the fat ( had major shoulder surgery that took me out for quite a while) maybe add about 5-7 lbs of good muscle that I can keep and go on a maintenance od HGH afterwards as long as I can get it.

Thanx! funny:

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Instead of 2 iu a day do 4iu. All the info you want was just posted by Slammer just do a search and you'll have all the info you want.

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Originally posted by Thrilla1
I'm 40 years old and have just got a 6 month supply of HGH Sazine, 2 IU's per day 5 on and 2 off. When are the most optimum times to inject?

I agree with Doug, bump it up to 4iu's a day for as long as you can afford it. You could either split the dosage into to daily doses: AM and PM or just take the full dose mid afternoon.

I have plenty of Decca and winny (tabs) and would like to mix these in very soon for 6-8 weeks while using the HGH. What would you're recommendations be? Is 2 IU's per day enoguh?

You could add the deca and the Wini but I would strongly suggest adding some form of Test as a base. A sample cycle would look like this:

Test 500mg W1-10
Deca 400mg W1-10
Wini 30-50mg/ed W7-12

I'm 5'8 198 lbs and have done cycles before, but looking to really trim down the fat ( had major shoulder surgery that took me out for quite a while) maybe add about 5-7 lbs of good muscle that I can keep and go on a maintenance od HGH afterwards as long as I can get it.

At your stats and for you goals a diet that looked like this would benefit you:

Protein 300g a day
Carbs 300g a day
Fat 50g a day

Thanx! funny:

My pleasure bro 😀

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What if I used Glucophage instead of Decca and EQ? I would like to avoid the sides of Decca and the frequency of the EQ shots.

I have allot of the Glucophage and was reading up on this being used with Test and HGH. The cycle would run at 4 IU's of HGH, three tabs of Glucophage a day @ 500 mgs and 250 test enanthate. Finish the last 3 weeks with Wiiny tabs of 30 mgs per day.

Your are thoughts and experience are appreciated.

Thrilla1 :ar15

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Originally posted by Thrilla1
What if I used Glucophage instead of Decca and EQ? I would like to avoid the sides of Decca and the frequency of the EQ shots.

Glucophage isnt a steroid bro, your comparing apples to oranges.

Deca and EQ are steroids that will promote protein synthesis allowing a person to consume more protein and nutrients while increasing strength and lean body mass.

Glucophage (Metformin) is an oral antidiabetic medication used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetes develops when the body proves unable to burn sugar and the unused sugar builds up in the bloodstream.

I have allot of the Glucophage and was reading up on this being used with Test and HGH. The cycle would run at 4 IU's of HGH, three tabs of Glucophage a day @ 500 mgs and 250 Test Enanthate. Finish the last 3 weeks with Wiiny tabs of 30 mgs per day.

You can use the Glucophage in the manner you laid out. Thats a good simple cycle that will give you good results.......but keep the daily dose of Glucophage to 1000mg to start, down the road up the road.

Your are thoughts and experience are appreciated.

Thrilla1 :ar15

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Thanx for the reply. Also, I forgot to ask about the thyroid issue while using HGH. I will be using HGH for a very long time. During Test cycles 4 IU- 6 IU's per day 5 on and 2 off and when not on a test cycle I'll just be using 2 IU's per day.

How detrimentle will it be if I choose not to use T-3 to make up for the drop in natural thyroid production? Have to say I'm not too thrilled about fooling around with my thyroid.

Thnx again! :ar15

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So ya doin the HGH.

You're going to love it. It's the wonder drug of choice!!!

You will lose weight like crazy, you will be able to eat just about anything and still lose.

With regards to your cycle, I suggest that you 'listen' to your body, and be responsive with it.

One thing that I've learned is to try it, then see if you NEED something else to add to it.
With the HGH, you really don't need anything else to run with it. If you find that you need to then I would try a test, any kind, then see what the effects are, if it's good then stick with it. Because if you stimulate your body too much, then you'll start shuttin shit down. HGH is one of those things that will bring shit out of you, so it is advisable to go to see a Dr. just to make sure that there is nothing brewing inside of you, because HGH WILL make it grow.

But all in all, enjoy your cycle as I am sure that you will!!!

Ft. Knox

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Great info Ft.Knox

Thrilla, as for the T3, since you'll be using HGH for long periods of time I would suggest cycling the T3 on and off for 6 weeks. 6weeks on 6weeks off 6 weeks on and so on.

Taper dosages like this:

Week 1: 25mcg a day
Week 2: 50mcg a day
Week 3: 75mcg a day
Week 4: 75mcg a day
Week 5: 50mcg a day
Week 6: 25mcg a day

With this pattern you'll reap the benefits of the T3 without causing major impact to your system and it will continue to be effective due to the cycling.

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Bump Cardi......One does not get more sound and proven advice than he offers here. And it's free.......How do ya beat a deal like this, Ya don't!!

Major props to Cardi, solid advice

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I've been injecting once in the morning 2 IU's now instead of one and 2 IU's around 5 or 6 PM. For a total of 4 IU's a day. Here's my question:

If I workout in the morning, as I tend to do, do I inject before or after the workout?

Can I inject all 4 IU's at one time and be done with it for the day?

I do know not to inject before bed because thats when the body naturally kicks in it's own Hgh and I don't want to shut that down. But wouldn't the same be true with post workout HGH production for the body?

Seriously guys, that's my last stupid question and I appreciate all your help. I've done several searches on this one thing and don't think I have found anything completley answers this question.

Thanx again,

Thrilla1 :ar15

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Originally posted by slammer
Bump Cardi......One does not get more sound and proven advice than he offers here. And it's free.......How do ya beat a deal like this, Ya don't!!

Major props to Cardi, solid advice

Thanks for the kind words Slam, coming from you it means alot. You know I got your back when it comes to going against TG.......he has those "Amazing Arms" that can crush us with one blow but if we attack together, we might take him!!LOL:D

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Thrilla, dont make your life more complicated than it is.............either take the dose in the morning or split it up.

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Thanx dude, I do tend to analyze shit way too much, this stuff cost alot of smack so I want to get eveything right.

Thanx again 😀

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We do make a good tag-team Cardi.....

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Originally posted by FtKnox
With regards to your cycle, I suggest that you 'listen' to your body, and be responsive with it.

Because if you stimulate your body too much, then you'll start shuttin shit down. HGH is one of those things that will bring shit out of you, so it is advisable to go to see a Dr. just to make sure that there is nothing brewing inside of you, because HGH WILL make it grow.

But all in all, enjoy your cycle as I am sure that you will!!!

Ft. Knox

This is good advice. HGH can matastasize cells, and if you have any carcinogens [cancer cells] or benign tumors HGH can spread it or make it grow, which can apply pressure to a more sensitive organ. So get a complete physical before starting it.

Lady D

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