heavy do you know of any substitutes instead of HGH? i know nothing will work nearly as good as HGH, but what would you say are the best things to help release more natural hgh ? again i know nothing compares to injecting 6iu of legit pharma hgh, but is there anything over the counter or medication that you know off that can help a little ? i know prami releases hgh well right ?
If HGH is not available I would use IGF-1. IGF-1 is one of the growth factors HGH raises.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Excellent read as always Heavy! Thank you
Do you have any input on stacking HGh and IGF? If money were no object and high quality of each were accessible?
Do you have any input on stacking HGh and IGF? If money were no object and high quality of each were accessible?
I think its a good idea. You would see benefits for sure. I would obviously like to see an aas in there as well for added synergy/effect.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Incredible read! And nice discussion! This answered my questions without even asking them!! Thanks heavy
Can someone explain more on how it is a good PCT?
how long does it take to see results of kalpatropin or dragontropin ?
Hello Friend
You did very well job here for describing info for hormone here but if you describe it's with the any steroids effect then it can be become great info.
I recently read that if you can afford it, we should run GH year round at 4iu a day.
I'm not very familiar with it, & want to do some thorough research on it, and possibly try it in a few months.
Also, for those who have used it, how was it? What sides, and benefits did you have? Aside from cost & pinning so much, I've yet to hear a bad thing about it, but then again I need to study up on it.
Coming from peptides I can say that GH is the shit. I am on a cut right now and I know that I couldn't have got the results I have obtained without GH. I've dropped over 25lbs and totally transformed my body. I'm also young so this shows that GH can be used by younger people with great results.
I started GH on my last PCT. I noticed a HUGE difference when I started my last cycle. GH and AAS together are simply amazing. But seems like these days, finding legit GH is hard to come by.
If you don't have the money to lose, don't do it. If you decide to start taking GH, you WILL be burned one time or another. That's a fact.
Do we not have a sponsor that has it?
describe here information is really great and useful to beginner who find testosterone, and more thing is to start Testosterone cycle first get guidance relate it. so there is no issue for its effect.
Great Sticky