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Human Growth Hormone ~ A Practical Application

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I am a 52 year old lady. You suggested 2 ml daily for anti-aging. Would the dose be the same for women?

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Posted by: @ladyhawke

I am a 52 year old lady. You suggested 2 ml daily for anti-aging. Would the dose be the same for women?

2iu daily is standard protocol for anti-aging. Helps keep bf in check, skin/nail health, better sleep and many other benefits.

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So lets say you have 10 kits or 1000iu. Would you see greater results running 6iu ED for 23.8 weeks or 8iu with the 5 on 2 off method for 25 weeks? Also what would you recommend as far as injection timing at these doses. Ive read that I would be better served breaking it into 3 different injections throughout the day. Something like first thing in the morning ,post workout and before bed. Can some of you guys with more knowledge of HGH than myself make some recommendations please?

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Posted by: @ladyhawke

I am a 52 year old lady. You suggested 2 ml daily for anti-aging. Would the dose be the same for women?

1-2 iu daily.

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Posted by: @cwb

So lets say you have 10 kits or 1000iu. Would you see greater results running 6iu ED for 23.8 weeks or 8iu with the 5 on 2 off method for 25 weeks? Also what would you recommend as far as injection timing at these doses. Ive read that I would be better served breaking it into 3 different injections throughout the day. Something like first thing in the morning ,post workout and before bed. Can some of you guys with more knowledge of HGH than myself make some recommendations please?

If I had to choose I would go with the longer duration as IGF-1 would be elevated the whole time.

AM fasted

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Posted by: @heavyiron

If I had to choose I would go with the longer duration as IGF-1 would be elevated the whole time.

AM fasted

Thank you heavy. I understand the AM injection should be done in a fasted state but are you saying I should do the full 6iu at that time? Also Im planning to run T4 and was wondering what you would recommend for a dosage on that.

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Posted by: @bulldogz

What would a run of GH look like be for a poor man to see benefits and can't run it that long and for how long?

Not Worth running HGH for less than 6 months save your money

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Posted by: @cwb

So lets say you have 10 kits or 1000iu. Would you see greater results running 6iu ED for 23.8 weeks or 8iu with the 5 on 2 off method for 25 weeks? Also what would you recommend as far as injection timing at these doses. Ive read that I would be better served breaking it into 3 different injections throughout the day. Something like first thing in the morning ,post workout and before bed. Can some of you guys with more knowledge of HGH than myself make some recommendations please?

I would say save your money and stay away from the Chinese gear, I have not seen many great IGF-1 test's when running it 300's for a person between 20-25 is not great in fact it is in range. I recommend buying some pharma grade at $5.25 an IU and using 4iu per day just my thoughts..

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Ive ran gh for 4 months at 4iu a day (split dose) One of the months ive tried 8iu eod split dose.

I was quite happy with the results and for 10 weeks in the cycle I ran test and npp.

The picture I have show a dramatic difference, I would say a good 3% bf drop while I added 8lbs.

I would run it again, but the source I had raised the prices quite a bit, so I decided to wait... But I just might go this winter with another 4 month run...

The gh was from a brand that tested out quite well, so I am comfortable it was legit. PLus if I dosed 5iu at once time, holy carpal tunnel. The 8 iu split dose would cause some pain while lifting as well. I would almost drop the weights when curling, my joints in my fingers would hurt.

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Your right at about the time you should really start to notice the benefits. What ever you do don't stop now, I am not saying you plan on stopping.

I take just 2 IUs a day and have been for the last 1 year, I may take a break every once in a while but i fully expect to keep using the rest of my life. 😀

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Posted by: @cwb

Thank you heavy. I understand the AM injection should be done in a fasted state but are you saying I should do the full 6iu at that time? Also Im planning to run T4 and was wondering what you would recommend for a dosage on that.

Yup, 6iu GH all at once right when you wake up.

You won't need much T4. The standard dose is all I would take.

This post was modified 2 days ago by admin

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Posted by: @heavyiron

Yup, 6iu GH all at once right when you wake up.

You won't need much T4. The standard dose is all I would take.

Why do you recommend "right when you wake up" is it more beneficial over, say, 20 minutes after you work out?

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Posted by: @jimmyusa

Why do you recommend "right when you wake up" is it more beneficial over, say, 20 minutes after you work out?

Because I need to eat soon after waking. I try to time my GH so that my natty is able to work at night. Sounds good on paper.

This post was modified 2 days ago by admin

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About the carpel tunnel symptoms, its a good way to test your hgh with out bloods. I used to do this, and take 10-20 iu's ed and with in a few days my finger would get tingly. Then i would go back to 4iu ed and work my way back up to 8-10 iu ed over the next 1-2 months. I've only used generic, but it worked great, just cant compare it to expensive name brand. I would have numb fingers and hands pretty constant at 6-8 iu ed though. My whole body would swell up. I seemed to recover from w/o very quickly, and my joints never felt better!!

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heavy do you know of any substitutes instead of HGH? i know nothing will work nearly as good as HGH, but what would you say are the best things to help release more natural hgh ? again i know nothing compares to injecting 6iu of legit pharma hgh, but is there anything over the counter or medication that you know off that can help a little ? i know prami releases hgh well right ?

This post was modified 2 days ago by admin

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