Growth hormone (GH) ~ Human growth hormone (GH) is a protein made in the pituitary gland. GH is not only responsible for growth. It also plays an important role throughout an adult’s life by helping to regulate metabolism—the body’s ability to turn food into energy. Many bodybuilders use GH once they have hit a wall in their development with steroid use alone.
GH the next level?
GH is the next level for more experienced users of anabolic steroids. If you want to take your body to the next level, GH may be the next step. GH has clearly been shown to increase muscle mass and to enhance fat loss while improving recovery and even helping with injury repair, especially cartilage. It’s almost as if GH restores ones youth. This is exactly what the anti-aging industry believes GH does. In their writings it’s common to see them promote GH as the fountain of youth. Typically the goal is to replace hormone levels so replacement doses are commonly prescribed for anti-aging purposes. This usually falls in the range of 1-3iu GH daily. Male patients are usually screened to see if other hormones need to be replaced such as Testosterone. Up to 200mg of Testosterone weekly may be administered.
The fountain of youth for the aging
The following claims are made about GH and have been consistently reported by users for anti-aging purposes.
- Lowers fat stores and increases lean muscle mass
- Invigorates skin tone and suppleness
- Augments bone density to avoid osteoporosis
- Boosts brain power and increases memory retention
- Heightens the drive and interest to have sex
- Enhances the well-being and health of the whole body, both physically and mentally
- Assists in having a restful sleep
- Perks up the mind and reduces fatigue and depression
Practical Application
Obviously the anti-aging claims of GH are desirable but what about the gym rat or high level competitor who wants to utilize this growth promoting hormone? For anti-aging purposes, doses as low as 2iu daily will work but if losing body fat and packing on muscle are your goals then the lower GH doses are just not enough.
It is my opinion that maximal fat burning GH doses start somewhere around 4-6iu daily in men. For maximal fat burning AND adding maximal muscle mass that range appears to be around 8-12iu GH daily. No matter if your goal is anti-aging, fat lose or maximum fat lose AND increased muscle mass, I recommend at least 5 months of GH administration. GH is a long term commitment and there is a lesser benefit to using GH for shorter durations. This can be quite expensive so many users will skip days during the week. For example, the 5 on 2 off protocol is commonly used to get the desired effects but at the same time reduce cost. Essentially the user administers a daily dose Mon-Fri and then does not administer a dose on the weekends. Another popular protocol is only using GH every other day. The EOD method has some scientific support so it would be my first recommendation for GH users who want to reduce cost.
What are the possible side effects of Growth Hormone?
You may experience discomfort, soreness, or redness where Human Growth Hormone is injected.
Contact your doctor immediately if you experience:
- Ongoing injection site discomfort
- Curvature of the spine (scoliosis)
- Joint pain
- Puffy hands and/or feet (caused by fluid retention)
- Changes in vision, a bad headache, or nausea with or without vomiting
- Hip or knee pain
- A need to limp when you walk
- Pain in wrist (carpal tunnel)
- Allergic reaction
Reconstituting GH
Many GH kits come in small 10iu vials in boxes or kits of 10 vials. Essentially 100iu total however vial and kit sizes do vary. The reason they come in smaller vials is so the peptide does not degrade. If you mix a vial and do not use it for a 2 weeks or so the peptide will likely be degraded therefore if you mix GH in smaller vials it can be used very quickly before degrading of the peptide occurs.
Wash hands and sterilize work area. Sterilize rubber stoppers on vials with alcohol. GH may be reconstituted at various strengths. Using less bacteriostatic water will provide a higher concentration of final product which will allow for smaller injection volume.
With a 10iu kit, inject 1 ml (cc) into the vial with the GH powder. Direct the stream of water down the side of the glass, being careful not to direct the stream of water directly into the GH powder; swirl gently until powder is completely dissolved in solution. DO NOT SHAKE VIAL. Refrigerate solution.
The above example will yield 10iu of GH per 1 ml (cc) 100 units.
1/2 ml (50 units) will yield 5iu GH.
1/4 ml (25 units) will yield 2.5iu GH.
1/10th (10 units) will yield 1iu GH.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. If the water is not clear, discard the product.
Before Reconstitution – vials of DRAGONTROPIN® are stable when refrigerated at 36° to 46°F (2° to 8°C). Expiration dates are stated on the labels.
After Reconstitution – vials of DRAGONTROPIN® are stable for up to 14 days when reconstituted with bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride (normal saline), USP, and stored in a refrigerator at 36° to 46°F (2° to 8°C). Do not freeze the reconstituted solution.
Stacking GH
Many users report a synergy when using GH and Steroids together. It is commonly reported that the fat burning effects and gains in LBM are much more profound with GH and Testosterone. Therefore in order to maximize the benefits of GH I would not use it alone and highly recommend stacking GH with AAS. Testosterone has been proven to reduce body fat and increase LBM in a dose dependent relationship up to 600mg weekly. Therefore I recommend that experienced male users seeking performance enhancement administer at least 600mg of Testosterone weekly stacked with 5iu GH daily for a duration of 5 months. This stack will illicit significant increases in lean body mass and a significant reduction in body fat if nutrition, training and recovery are properly in place.
- Effects of Human Growth Hormone in Men over 60 Years Old
- Prevention of Growth Deceleration after Withdrawal of Growth Hormone Therapy in Idiopathic Short Stature
- Synergistic effects of testosterone and growth hormone on protein metabolism and body composition in prepubertal boys.
- The Effects of Growth Hormone and/or Testosterone in Healthy Elderly Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
great write up heavy. are there any concerns about using large amounts of aas with gh? you mention testosterone, but nothing about 19nors or orals while using gh?
Great post!
great write up heavy. are there any concerns about using large amounts of aas with gh? you mention testosterone, but nothing about 19nors or orals while using gh?
GH works better with other AAS so I would definately stack. Orals and other steroids are fine but since GH is a long term application testosterone is best as long term use of T is less organ stressing. If you wanted to add Nandrolone or Tren that is perfectly fine though.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Makes an excellent PCT also.
What's the lowest dose I could run ed of GH while on a cruise to see some good results, 4iu daily?
What's the lowest dose I could run ed of GH while on a cruise to see some good results, 4iu daily?
That's a reasonable dose if you can go 5-6 months in duration.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
how about a write up like this on IGF?
What would a run of GH look like be for a poor man to see benefits and can't run it that long and for how long?
Great thread heavy.
What would a run of GH look like be for a poor man to see benefits and can't run it that long and for how long?
There is no such thing. You have to spend 5-6 months on a reasonable dose of GH to get the results.
But for the poor man nothing beats Tren And Test.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
so to be clear, are you saying run test for 5-6 months as well? or do you suggest something like 12 weeks, pct and then 12 weeks again?
so to be clear, are you saying run test for 5-6 months as well? or do you suggest something like 12 weeks, pct and then 12 weeks again?
That really depends on your threshold for risk. If you want to cruise for 6 months that's a big decision only you can answer but multiple T cycles while running the GH longterm will also work.
GH is so expensive it just makes sense to try and optimize your time on it. That would also include proper nutrition and training for your goals.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
These Z blog articles are the best.
Coming from peptides I can say that GH is the shit. I am on a cut right now and I know that I couldn't have got the results I have obtained without GH. I've dropped over 25lbs and totally transformed my body. I'm also young so this shows that GH can be used by younger people with great results.
I started GH on my last PCT. I noticed a HUGE difference when I started my last cycle. GH and AAS together are simply amazing. But seems like these days, finding legit GH is hard to come by.
If you don't have the money to lose, don't do it. If you decide to start taking GH, you WILL be burned one time or another. That's a fact.