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HGH Cycle Opinions

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I'M BACK!! Its been a while since I have visited. I've been doing other interests but thought I'd drop in and read a bit. GREAT to see the same crowd still. I do have a question some of you older guys might help me answer.

I am 33. Ran several cycles a couple of years back. Went from 164lbs to 210lbs over 1-2 yr period. I am not working out anymore. Just getting back to it. Plan on working on a fitness type outlook vs. my before 5 days in the gym using strictly weight training.

I am currently 225lbs with too much extra bobyfat. Great foundation but need to get back fit.

I currently have 216 IU's of Humatrope, fina, and test.

I plan to run fina and test at very moderate doses since I haven't cycled anything in more than 2 yrs. I know what I am going to do with dosages here but would like opinions on the HGH.

Should I run the HGH at 4IU's 5 out of 7 days for approx 11 weeks
Maybe trying 3IU's 5 out of 7 days for 14 1/2 weeks
Maybe trying 2IU's 5 of 7 days for 21 weeks
some type of every other day plan.

I am limited to how much HGH I have. Got it practically free from friend who owes me money so 216 free IU's can benefit me the best used how?

Keep in mind my goal is to lean up, get my physique back and be a lean, healthy, 205-215 with reduced bodyfat. Also have feet and ankle problems from extra weight so was hoping HGH could help here also. I would like to do limited weight training 2-3 times per week and add light cardio. I used to work out 5 days per week at 1-1 1/2 hrs per day doing nothing but weight training. I would like to change to a more moderate activity level of weights and add some cardio.

Any thoughts on the HGH cycling to get the most from the 216 iu's now that you know my goals. I am really wanting this to benefit me longer term. I'm not interested in gains as much as fat loss, health, etc.

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I'M BACK!! Its been a while since I have visited. I've been doing other interests but thought I'd drop in and read a bit. GREAT to see the same crowd still. I do have a question some of you older guys might help me answer.

I am 33. Ran several cycles a couple of years back. Went from 164lbs to 210lbs over 1-2 yr period. I am not working out anymore. Just getting back to it. Plan on working on a fitness type outlook vs. my before 5 days in the gym using strictly weight training.

I am currently 225lbs with too much extra bobyfat. Great foundation but need to get back fit.

I currently have 216 IU's of Humatrope, fina, and test.

I plan to run fina and test at very moderate doses since I haven't cycled anything in more than 2 yrs. I know what I am going to do with dosages here but would like opinions on the HGH.

Should I run the HGH at 4IU's 5 out of 7 days for approx 11 weeks
Maybe trying 3IU's 5 out of 7 days for 14 1/2 weeks
Maybe trying 2IU's 5 of 7 days for 21 weeks
some type of every other day plan.

I am limited to how much HGH I have. Got it practically free from friend who owes me money so 216 free IU's can benefit me the best used how?

Keep in mind my goal is to lean up, get my physique back and be a lean, healthy, 205-215 with reduced bodyfat. Also have feet and ankle problems from extra weight so was hoping HGH could help here also. I would like to do limited weight training 2-3 times per week and add light cardio. I used to work out 5 days per week at 1-1 1/2 hrs per day doing nothing but weight training. I would like to change to a more moderate activity level of weights and add some cardio.

Any thoughts on the HGH cycling to get the most from the 216 iu's now that you know my goals. I am really wanting this to benefit me longer term. I'm not interested in gains as much as fat loss, health, etc.

I myself would go with the 3 iu's.....

I would change my workouts to higher rep work, or even try a solid pre-exhaustive workout. I would find a serious diet and stick to it like fat on an opera lady's ass...

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3 iu's spread out over 3 1/2 months sounds fine. I will run test/fina during some of this. Hopefully I will be able to stick to the fat lady..I mean stick with a mature program of weight/cardio/strict diet to get the results. I just want to get a few opinions on the limited HGH I have on hand before setting up a plan.

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3 iu's spread out over 3 1/2 months sounds fine. I will run test/fina during some of this. Hopefully I will be able to stick to the fat lady..I mean stick with a mature program of weight/cardio/strict diet to get the results. I just want to get a few opinions on the limited HGH I have on hand before setting up a plan.
Yeah I like what Slam says, he's the man when it comes to this stuff.
