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help w/ HGH dose

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bros, Ive read the instr. i got w/ Somaject 7mg
not really sure if i mix 1.5cc w the 7mg and then add it back to the remaining ba water?

also if this correct , how much is dosage in iu
pin ? Any help is greatly appreciated


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With the Euro-Tech kits like you speak, I injected 1.5cc's of the water included. Be sure to inject it slowly, very slowly. The vial of water is 5 cc's, but getting all of it is almost not gonna happen. 1.6cc's is a good idea, but I chose 1.5 as it is easier.

Draw the water from the water vial, inject it into the first kit. Only reconstitute one vial of powder at a time. Once reconstituted, keep that vial refrigerated.

In order to draw and inject the HGH into your self, you'll nedd to determine how much you will be using per inject in (i.u."s) on a standard inslin pin, which is marked in units, 5.5 units is equal to 1 i.u. so 11 units is 2 i.u.

You can run a search to see what most like as far as dosage. Mostly this depends on money as HGH is very expensive and many like to run it over a long period of time.

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Many thanks ,

That cleared up alot for me, I wasnt to far off


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Bumping Slam, great info.
