Is it true that GHRH and GHRP are largely ineffective in older individuals who have sluggish natural GH production, and are best used by those who have naturally high levels?
Thanks for the input, bros.
I'd like to know this as well?
Nobody? I'll ask on Iron Mag forums since they're back up...
There have been absolutely no studies on peptides at all... Some peps stimulate the body to produce more GH. SO if you are older wit lagging GH, peps would IMHO would probably be even more beneficial than someone who naturally has some higher levels going
I've never heard that. But in any situation, sluggish or not, they will still increase production above what your baseline/peaks would be. I would agree with Tinyshrek - peptides are more beneficial the older you are. They help you get back some of that magic youth gives you when building muscle.
not sure the direct answer to your question, but GRHP will not override somatostatin - the inhibitor to gh release. In order for GH to be released, conditions must be right. Basically for its release, its for repair so your physical activity has to be somewhat low, you're not eating (or its cousin, insulin, would be released), and not a lot of fatty acids in bloodstream (if you were running, GH would not be released). In these times, somatostatin will inhibit GH release (rightfully so). I still have yet to be convinced that GHRP will increase total amount of GH more than naturally. I've heard it causes a larger surge at the beginning, but the "area under the curve" ie the integral, I've heard to be the same if the peptides are used and if not used.
There have been absolutely no studies on peptides at all... Some peps stimulate the body to produce more GH. SO if you are older wit lagging GH, peps would IMHO would probably be even more beneficial than someone who naturally has some higher levels going
BumP ^^^
Have you tired it, or are thinking about trying it. If your older, there are some really good sources on here that provide high quality HGH without breaking the bank. Also, if you are thinking about,.......BLOOD WORK.......And also you don't have to take a pro bodybuilders dosage to get good results. However, if your going to try it, make sure you have enough for at least 3-4 months.