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low 'free testosterone' score

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i am 23 years old and lifetime drug free. i recently got a blood test and had a total Testosterone of 527 ng/dL with a range of 240-1048. not great for 23 years old, but not horrible either.

my free testosterone on the other hand was .89 pg/mL with a range of .95-4.3.

ive very familiar with TRT for low total testosterone but do not know much about the treatment options for low free testosterone.

i have talked to a few others, the responses ive have been told to read up about HCG, DIM, and nettle root.

im curious as to anyone elses opinions and views of this situation.

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yes, nettle root, dim and throw longjack in also...


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23? That's very young for naturally low test levels. I'd try everything I could before TRT at that age! Like NOJOKE said, something with Longjack and Tribulus maybe. Good luck man, hope you find a solution.

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Quote: Originally Posted by 5luke2 i am 23 years old and lifetime drug free. i recently got a blood test and had a total testosterone of 527 ng/dL with a range of 240-1048. not great for 23 years old, but not horrible either.

my free testosterone on the other hand was .89 pg/mL with a range of .95-4.3.

ive very familiar with TRT for low total testosterone but do not know much about the treatment options for low free testosterone.

i have talked to a few others, the responses ive have been told to read up about HCG, DIM, and nettle root.

im curious as to anyone elses opinions and views of this situation. You should be able to get treated for that. What they need to do is test your e lvls then probaly put you on adex to lower your estradiol.
If you want some good info head to t nation and go to the 35 and older lifter at the very top you'll see, Estradiol: Why You Should Care. Good info there.
