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Is it a getting older thing?

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I've been there to and it sucks. So what i did was take some of her yeast cream they squirt up there and smeared it all over my nuts before bed for about five days.

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hmmm interesting...

Tbar I hear ya hon....but in all're going to have to find the time evenutally...


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Don't expect much help from cranberry juice.. Are you running any ECA's or allergy meds? they can be causing this. Saw Palmetto helps shrink an enlarged prostate, also a couple of ibuprophen ed. Better yet try to get some finestride (proscar,Propecia) 1mg/ed should do wonders. You'll also want to get blood work done.. it's called PSA test to rule out cancer. DON"T FUCK AROUND to long.. My kid sister discovered breast cancer when she was 35.. she insisted that I go for cancer screening.. did the PSA & colonoscopy.. the colonoscopy picked up 5 pylops that were precancerous.. removing the pylops was a simple procedure.. was in & out of the hosp in less than 3 hours.. if I had waited until I was 50 like they recommend I wouldn't be around that long..

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Sounds like your prostate to me as well. If you are on a cycle, you really need to stop. Either way, get to the doc. Being a single dad is tough, but your kids being orphans is tougher.

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Originally posted by T-Bar
No can do Cutie Poo. I'm totally swamped at work and before & after work I'm a single parent. If I miss ANY work right now it could cost me everything I've worked so hard for over the past three years. And there's no body else to take care of my child so this is just going to have to wait for now. I don't have three or four hours to sit in a Dr's office, and don't try to tell me they don't take that long because those arrogant jerks always do.

Guess I'll be sucking down cranberry juice for a while to see if that helps any.

I'll check it when I come to see ya. 😉

Drink cranberry juice and lots!!!!

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T-Bar did you ever get checked out?!

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Don't expect much help from cranberry juice.. Are you running any ECA's or allergy meds? they can be causing this.

That was my first thought. ECA's do this to me every time. Quits when I come off.

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Bro how did you make out with this??

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Ok I was going to say this was my workout parnters problem but wtf I'll own up to it. I used to pee like a race horse. My record is 150 seconds straight. Man I could wizz! People used to applaud when I finished. Now in the past year the horse died or something. I feel like I am about to burst, but then it bairly comes out and I'm probably only peeing a 10th of what I used to, if that. Any idea what's going on?

Sounds like Kidney stones Bro.......But I am no Doctor!

Get check out!


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I think if it were kidney stones I'd have suffered pretty good by now. As for the rest of it...I started taking a load of cranberry juice along with One-A-Day for a healthy prostate. That made me feel old, but a little better. I'm pretty sure things were getting a better, but then I lost the bottle and couldn't find it until today. I still can't find where I put the bottle of whatever that stuff was that I was taking to help my memory. Stop laughing I'm serious.

Anyway...I'm going to start taking the One-A-Day again to see if it helps.

I probably don't need to be worried though because yesterday I went to a psychic with a friend of mine and she said I would have no health problems. My Indian guide White Feather told her.

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LMAO! Don't feel too old bro, I'm 26 and I take that One-A-Day for prostate shit. Can start preventative maintenance too early IMO.

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