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Is it a getting older thing?

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Ok I was going to say this was my workout parnters problem but wtf I'll own up to it. I used to pee like a race horse. My record is 150 seconds straight. Man I could wizz! People used to applaud when I finished. Now in the past year the horse died or something. I feel like I am about to burst, but then it bairly comes out and I'm probably only peeing a 10th of what I used to, if that. Any idea what's going on?

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maybe...but see a doctor...seriously

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yeah, that probably won't happen.

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then drink a shit load of cranberry juice for a a quart a day for a few weeks

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sounds like prostate problems....go to a doctor...i know it sucks, but it would save you a lot of pain if it is your prostate flaring up...:cents

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t-bar lay off the peter pump.... that thing is messing shit up, and quit sticking it in the vacuum cleaner its just not healthy man.............
but for real, you might want to get the prostate checked out......a guy i know died from prostate cancer at 19, the doctors said if they had found it like 2 months earlier they might have been able to save him but he was scared he had VD so he was ashamed to go to the doc and it cost him his please just get a check up ..... its more then likely just getting old i know i don't blast the back off the toilet anymore

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It could be your prostrate. A buddy of mine who used to be a big user of gear mentioned this to me a few monthes back. That he had a sever need to pee but when he tryed only a little came out. It was the prostrate.

Maybe in you can it could be a bladder infection and in the case drink lots of Cranberry juice. Or maybe a yeast infection cause you dont keep your pussy clean enough. 🙂

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bro Id see a doctor, not to make you skitz but
a cousin of mine had prostate probs and it ended up to be prostate cancer, they operated
and werent able to get things 100%, better to
see whats wrong early


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T-Bar, I have an idea for ya the will help you out. I know that your hard head will not visit a doctor and have a good physical and no way you will have a prostrate exam. In a thread started by Cutie here, she is asking about giving a man a blowjob and sticking her finger/hand in your case, up the ass.

Pm Cutie and see if she will hook you up with some help. it will be doublely beneficial for you, and her as she can have some practice in her search for more ways to stimulate a man.

Besides she will need it, as if she ever meets me, and I am about due for my yearly exam btw, she will be ready. I care not to be the first, as my prostrate is as big as a softball.....

just trying to help T-Bar

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And yes she'll wear a glove; but you'll also have to put on make-up and your new name will be Sally. 🙂

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Seriously, sounds like a prostate problem.

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Bro, for your own good, go immediately to a doctor! I have an enlarged prostate and it's no fun pissing like that! I've had my sleep interrupted because of it. Get Flomax from the doc. It works great!:cents

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Originally posted by slammer
T-Bar, I have an idea for ya the will help you out. I know that your hard head will not visit a doctor and have a good physical and no way you will have a prostrate exam. In a thread started by Cutie here, she is asking about giving a man a blowjob and sticking her finger/hand in your case, up the ass.

Pm Cutie and see if she will hook you up with some help. it will be doublely beneficial for you, and her as she can have some practice in her search for more ways to stimulate a man.

Besides she will need it, as if she ever meets me, and I am about due for my yearly exam btw, she will be ready. I care not to be the first, as my prostrate is as big as a softball.....

just trying to help T-Bar


Tbar hon get your ass (literally) to the doctor and get it checked out hon


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Tbar hon get your ass (literally) to the doctor and get it checked out hon

No can do Cutie Poo. I'm totally swamped at work and before & after work I'm a single parent. If I miss ANY work right now it could cost me everything I've worked so hard for over the past three years. And there's no body else to take care of my child so this is just going to have to wait for now. I don't have three or four hours to sit in a Dr's office, and don't try to tell me they don't take that long because those arrogant jerks always do.

Guess I'll be sucking down cranberry juice for a while to see if that helps any.

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good luck T-bar.....

Damn Doug, I got a yeast from a girl one time several years ago, while at a softball tourney.......motherfucker ouch. My doctor laughed his ass off at me. I waited a week to go see him. I was fucking raw by then.


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