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I think I have gyno

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I've heard of letrozole helping people with gyno but I was always curious if you'd have to take it indefinitely or if you just run it for a short period of time. Because if he has to keep taking it I'd recommend surgery.

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my friend had them cut the stuff out no scar and looks better than he did before he dont look like fabio now haha:)

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I've heard of letrozole helping people with gyno but I was always curious if you'd have to take it indefinitely or if you just run it for a short period of time. Because if he has to keep taking it I'd recommend surgery.

yeah that's kinda what I was wondering as well.. if I have to take it for a long period of time I would rather just have the surgery. It was like when I bought that rogain foam crap. I read on the can that after the supply is up you have to coninuously use it or you will loose the hair that you have regrown.. First off I didn't see any results secondly rogain is not getting 40 bucks a month from me for the rest of my life.... oh did I get off subject?? sorry well I would like to get insurance just incase it is covered by insurance. I think that I would like to do this soon but Im real self conscience about it. and the sex drive thing, if I were going to try Letro It would be almost a blessing. that way I wouldn't want to have sex with my wife.. seing as how she never wants to with me anyways... but that's another discussion:confused

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I've heard of letrozole helping people with gyno but I was always curious if you'd have to take it indefinitely or if you just run it for a short period of time. Because if he has to keep taking it I'd recommend surgery.
No. Once the fatty tissue of gyno is destroyed, it won't come back.

Again, it doesn't work for everyone. I ran it for two wks and it eliminated more than half of my gyno. But after about two wks of use , I stopped seeing any progress and felt it would be better to stop than to keep dealing with the side effects. I do feel better about the appearance of my chest now.

A lot of ppl have used it and it completely destoyed their gyno. I think a lot has to do with the severity of the gyno, and the length of time someone has had it.

I'm also thinking that the results could also be dependent on whether the gyno was estrogen related a progesterone related ??

Like most drugs we use for bbing, Letro was not made or tested for our purposes. So with have to go by general knowledge and individual experiences to gain our info.

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my friend had them cut the stuff out no scar and looks better than he did before he dont look like fabio now haha:)

The problem is it is expensive as hell to do this if it isn't covered by insurance.

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The problem is it is expensive as hell to do this if it isn't covered by insurance.

well I have had someone tell me that if it was natural gyno that it would be covered by insurance haven't had a chance to touch base with the guy again. plus the fact that Im hella skinny I don't think he's going to think that Im on gear and that that's what caused it

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You're gonna have to try and convince the doc that it's hella painful. Also tell him there is a family history of male breast cancer. He may be able to get the insurance company to pay for it. Otherwise it's just considered cosmetic and you are gonna be out of several thousand dollars.

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well I would like to try to be as honest as possible, wouldn't want for something to come back and bite me in the ass. If it's not covered I will have to do what can.. even if that involves me just dealing with it.. I mean it hurts my selfesteem does that count for anything is that worth mentioning? probably not because all of the peeps that get nose jobs and lipo have selfesteem problems as well..

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Yeah self-image is not a consideration. If it isn't physically affecting your life then it is considered cosmetic and comes "out of pocket".

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well I guess I could say that it is painfull sometimes it is but very seldom and I think it might just be in my head. hey thanks for your help everybodyd

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I agree you should see a doctor. If it is gyno , surgery is a bitch itself, so why not give letro a try first. When Jam and I say the sides are harsh, we don't mean they are life threatening. Just irritating as hell. The dose I recommended is normal for this application. The main sides are nausea and weakness.

Again, this is just my opinion.

yo where can I get that at (letro)

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talk to your doc. I did and insurance covered the whole thing.

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yo where can I get that at (letro)

You can find it at AG-Guys.

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I had natural gyno when i was a kid, 13years old. My nipples got this hard disk type lump in them that hurt very bad, the doctor said My test levels were insane high and estrogen was taking over. They gave me some pills to take and it went away lumps and all. Never have got gyno again nor can I from what I understand. But man I sure hope that pill dont give me some strange sickness later on in life like cancer or something. Lucky for me I guess.

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I had natural gyno when i was a kid, 13years old. My nipples got this hard disk type lump in them that hurt very bad, the doctor said My test levels were insane high and estrogen was taking over. They gave me some pills to take and it went away lumps and all. Never have got gyno again nor can I from what I understand. But man I sure hope that pill dont give me some strange sickness later on in life like cancer or something. Lucky for me I guess.

Id love to know what those pills where.

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