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When to eat....

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Trying to put on muscle mass, 6'1 180 lbs 30 yrs old. need help on when to eat high or low carbs late at night, something easy to digest post pre workout. can someone post like a schedule like this. or does it matter just eat whatever whenever.

TIA (confused)

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Eat high glycemic carbs with whey protein in liquid form immediately after workout. ProLab's N Large 2 is real good. An hour after that have another meal w/ high glycemic carbs and protein. (Ex, white rice or potato and chicken)

About an hour and a half to two hours b4 your workout you should have protein and high carbs ( slow digesting, low glycemic)

When gaining mass you are going to put on a little fat, and when bulking you can have carbs at night. Worry about cutting after.

Try to eat at least 5-6 times a day. Eat every 2-3 hours. Try to get at least 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight. Eat everything evenly spaced throughout the day. Also when bulking you should never be hungry.

Good luck, hope I helped.

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Originally posted by jeppuda
Eat high glycemic carbs with whey protein in liquid form immediately after workout. ProLab's N Large 2 is real good. An hour after that have another meal w/ high glycemic carbs and protein. (Ex, white rice or potato and chicken)

About an hour and a half to two hours b4 your workout you should have protein and high carbs ( slow digesting, low glycemic)

When gaining mass you are going to put on a little fat, and when bulking you can have carbs at night. Worry about cutting after.

Try to eat at least 5-6 times a day. Eat every 2-3 hours. Try to get at least 1 gram of protein per lb. of bodyweight. Eat everything evenly spaced throughout the day. Also when bulking you should never be hungry.

Good luck, hope I helped.

