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Red meat & potatos' or chicken/tuna?

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should I be eating lots of red meat or should i b eating lots of chicken & tuna? chicken and tuna is what I've been doing but a friend tells me thats for weight watchers. If I wanna get big I'll never do it that way. so should I switch? I just thought chicken and tuna were cleaner protein sources.

Steel Reserves
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Depends on your goals. If your looking to cut up more then stick with chicken and tuna, although there's nothing wrong with throwing a peice of lean steak in the mix every now and then; fish too. You can gain weight eating chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, ect., you just have to eat more of it than normal; and add in another protien shake or two thru the day. Now if your trying to bulk up just eat everything in sight lol.


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goal is just to be "freakin" huge. don't care about cuts and looks at the moment. thanks for the responses though.

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goal is just to be "freakin" huge. don't care about cuts and looks at the moment. thanks for the responses though.

Well, if that's your goal, then, like the bro said, eat em all . As long as you're consuming more calories than you are burning, you're gonna gain weight.

You can grow, however, eating chicken and tuna. You just have to eat a lot of it, since tuna and chicken contain less cals. than most red meat.

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Also.... it really depends upon how your body responds. I would stick to lean cuts of meat if you like red meat. Anything with round in it is ok... top round, eye of round, top sirloin... stay away from the rib eyes, and highly marbled steaks.

anyway, I find that my body responds best when I have some red meat in my diet, but the majority is chicken, turkey, fish.


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All the bros are giving great advice. To get huge you must eat. eat till you are sick. Eat when food looks nasty. Eat,eat, Eat.. but like what was said all of our bodies respond in different ways. It takes time to find this out,,,be patient and goodluck.

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Red Meat. Chicken is a vegetable.

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Eat Both
