post workout drink
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post workout drink

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i know i should take a carb drink post workout but who makes a good carb powder? should i take carbs or protein shakes first?

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Twinlab makes Ultra-Fuel. Fruit Punch and Orange and can be purchased in large tubs. 100g carbs, little sugars and what is great about it, just add your creatine and Alpha Lipoic Acid and you pretty much got PhosphagenHP or Cell-Tech.;)

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I guess I'm not following you... I take a meal replacement shake post work out. The protein is already broken down, so it is more readily usable by your body than solid food, and there are plenty of carbs in my shake. Both are needed at the same time.

High carbs to cause an insulin spike, and also to have the glucose available to be pushed into the muscles to replenish glycogen stores... And protein also get shuttled in by the spike in insulin, to repair damaged tissue....

Why do you want to take two seperate drinks? They are both needed at the same time.......

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Why don't you jsut pick up some dextrose and mix it in with your protein postworkout, cheap and economical. Great post workout for recovery


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Post workout I always eat a can of tuna with a huge glass of 100% grapejuice. it gives ya everything ya need, 33g of protien and a shitload of simple carbs.

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Hey bro...
if you can afford it, I think the best tasting/best for body post workout drink would have to be Myoplex by EAS. I have had awesome results ever since I started drinking 3-4 of those a day in-between meals and after workouts. Has everything your body needs. A case of 42 Myoplex Packs runs about $70 bucks. I know its a lot but when you consider the benefits....some learn to sacrifice in some areas in order to excell in others. Good luck

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I used to drink Myoplex Deluxe. I was told by a pro to try the Max Muscle. He said no matter what pro endorses what, most if not all use max muscle products... if you check out there site, you'll notice there are like 50 stores in cali....

The benefit of MM over EAS is this: Myoplex has lots of gums, fillers, etc. One of the ingredients is a carb with a very HIGH glycemic index which is fine for post workout, but you don't want your insulin spiking during the day. MM is cheaper, serving per serving than EAS.

AND as stated before, I HATE CLUMPS. One of the pushes away from MYOPLEX for me was convenience. My damn hand blender broke and I was sick of carrying it with me to work or to a friends etc. With the Max Muscle shakes, I just add water or milk and shake.... EXTREMELY CONVENIENT,.... AND NO CLUMPS! you can't do that with myoplex....

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a lot of weight gain powders are packed with carbs along with
a good dose of protein......
the one i'm using now has 152g carbs and 50g of protein
per serving...

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I would have to agree with you about the clumps in Myoplex. But I will say that I don't hand shake my drinks at all. At the beginning of the day I go ahead and blend four, one pack at a time, with iced water, bananna, and peanut butter(sometimes) into four rubbermaid containers. Throw em in the fridge and as the day goes on, grab one when you want. Give it a quick shake and its perfect. Thats what I do. But Everyone is different though. I might give max muscle products a try. I am always up for new ideas. It does suck if you have to take a damn blender everywhere, annoying and messy. Peace!

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protein within 15-20min. post work out.

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Go to make your own post workout formula.

33% Dextrose
33% Maltodextrin
34% Hydrolized Whey protein

Post workout you want to create a HUGE insulin spike and nothing does so better (food wise) than high glycemic carbohydrates. Dextrose and Maltodextrin are two of the highest rated GI carbs you can get that have no fat. The hydrolized protein is also one of the fasted digested proteins available.

YOU WILL see a dramatic difference in recovery with this formula and it is pretty cheap too, around $6.50 a pound. I use 150g serving after each workout which will give @ 100g carbs and 50g protein. Then 1.5 hrs later or less eat again, this time a whole food meal

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look at for great drinks pre and post workout....NUTRITION does make a BIG difference
