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"my opinion" all you need it creatine, protein and carbs

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Every time i pick up a muscle mag i see all these promos for and advertisements for suppliments. In my past,,,, like back in the days of high school (10 + years ago) i was desperate to try any supp. Now all i need when off cyc is creatine, protein and eatin good. I keep my gains and if not continue to get them.

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I would have to throw glutamine into the mix b/c since I first started to use it I have noticed nothing but positives and have been taking it for several years now.I won't be changing my opinion anytime soon.It has been about as important in my supplimentation routine as creatine if not more.

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Creatine is definately one of a few supplements that are proven to work (though most people don't understand the intracacies of how it works).

Glutamine is great, and definately needed. However, don't be sucked into the trap of buying supplements you do not need. Your diet if rich and meat will contain plenty of glutamine. Combine that with your intake of protein shakes (many of which are fortified with extra glutamine) and you are taking in adequate levels. Be sure to read your labels, so you aren't purchasing supplements that you don't need. You could go broke buying everything you think you need.

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bump on Marks reply!!!!!!

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Bump Mark dude you always contribute great 411,,,,, thanx
I am considering picking up some Glut now

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All I need, gear or no gear is SAN INFUSION PROTIEN and SAN V-12. This covers protien, essential fats, creatine, NO (arginine), taurine, glutamine, probiotics for healthy flora and ingredients for insulin optimazation. Great company SAN is.
