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Keto Diets

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Question: I know this is really broad and open-ended, but I was wondering what you guys thought about keto diets when using AAS? I'm using a CKD (Duchaine's Body Opus thing), and I like it alot.

Do you guys think that carbs are a must when running a cycle? Feedback would really be appreciated, since if carbs really are a must, then I have to reconsider my entire diet. Which would kind of be a bummer, since I'm digging this one.

Any thoughts?

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If you can get away with it take 50 grams of carbs right after your workout in the A.M.

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ok....well....the first time I did the atkins thing....but kept the fats low also....I lost like 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks...mostly water of course...takes a good 2 weeks for your body to get used to it and adjust...

the next time I wasn't losing anything..told to up my fat intake...oh I felt great..but ended up gaining weight....

now be prepared to feel realloy lethargic the first few days....drink lots of water....stay away from caffiene....

Monday I start cutting out carbs again for another try.....only going to eat veggies, salad, chicken, tuna, fish, fruit, sugars, no carbs.keeping the fats low too...see how this works...

I find I like doing away w/ the carbs and you do get used to it...I don't ret ain water....I'm not going to worry about getting into ketosis this time...and if you do this I would recommend you take 5mg of glutamine several times a day since the diet can cause bad breath and changes in your natural body just

so if I appear a little cranky next week you'll know why *wink*

good luck



ps pm granitedawg he knows a great deal about the keto diet

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Thanks Cutie - I've been running a CKD for about 8 months, on and off, giving myself breaks when I felt I needed it. I have used straight atkins-style keto diets, but found that it really made it hard to keep my lifts up in the gym.

I use a ton of Glutamine - but be careful with it, it can actually keep you out of ketosis. It can even knock you out of ketosis if you're already in it, but probably not for long, only for a few hours or so, if that.

As for lethargy, I'm actually one of the few people in that ketosis gives me energy. It makes about 3/4 very lethargic, but for those of us that have bad insulin sensativity, it actually makes us feel a lot better.

Have you checked out The Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald? Good book, it's about working out & keto diets.


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This diet can makes sense but can cause you to become a type diabetes mellitus, especially if you're cycling. Might want to seek an alternative if you don't want to be injecting yourself with insulin , not to mention the coma's.

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You got me curious, and I actually looked into this. The answer:

What you are probably thinking of is something called 'starvation diabetes', which can occur after extended periods of starvation (since a keto diet is like starvation, with food).

For a short period, like 3 days or so, the body doesn't handle carbs very well, due to a bunch of different changes.

Researchers also find impaired glucose tolerance (a hallmark of diabetes) when they give folks on keto diets 100 grams of carbs as glucose. Well, of course.

When people come off of keto diets, they tend to notice a lot of rebound hypoglycemia, etc. because of it. It goes away as enzymes get back to normal.

Considering that a lot of people USE lowcarb diets to treat diabetes (and insulin resistance syndrome, they are related), it'd make little sense if the diet actually caused it.

But the effects are purely short-term, a few days at most and you're back to 'normal'
